Episode 16: Rainfall (1)


"...a-ack!" As a deafening crash echoed throughout the entire vehicle, the three people in it were almost pulled out of their seats. "Hey! What gives?!" Fortunately, the shock of the crash wasn't that intense. "Whose crazy enough to jump in front of the car like that?!"

[ Emergency Alert! Emergency Alert! ]

"K-Kikkk..." Following the man's angry tone of voice, the attention of everyone turned towards the windshields. At that second, they were greeted by the sight of a crazed goblin, attempting to smash its way in. "Kikkk!"

"Eeeep!!" The driver screamed. "A dungeon monster?!"

[ Code Red! Code Red! ]

"This... A dungeon break..." Jace frowned, his attention turning towards his phone that was blaring out a loud alert. Then, he turned towards Malory who had a troubled expression on her face. "Malory..."

"You take the guy to safety," she stated, beginning to open the door of the car. "I'll handle the goblin."