The Game Begins

The man's skull provided very little resistance as Grant's foot traveled downward.

As the pressure built, the man's skull eventually exploded like a piñata, sending fragments of skull, flesh, and brain matter flying in all directions.

When Grant's foot made contact with the ground, it created a small crater that sent cracks spreading out a few inches.

Seeing the scene transpire in front of them some of the people in the crowd screamed, some gawked in silence, and some outright fainted.

Without a word, Grant raised his foot, gave it a quick shake and a kick trying to rid his shoe the mans flesh and bones before taking a few steps back and turning to walk away.

As he was making his way towards the crowd, a barely audible voice could be heard.

"Thank you for saving my dad."

Grant glanced over his shoulder and saw a young girl, probably no more than 15 or 16 years old with her head lowered.

"I didn't save anyone. People like him just disgust me. Save your thanks for someone who deserves it."

The girl, too scared, didn't say anything more so Grant turned to continue walking away.

As he made his way into the crowed, he saw Brian looking at him.

Grant recognized the look on Brian's face.

Fear with a hint of disgust.

Knowing that now wouldn't be the time to explain himself, Grant forced his way into the crowd and continued on his way.

It took him a good bit but Grant eventually reached the outskirts of the mass of people and found a boulder to sit down on.

While he was cleaning his shoes, he felt a sudden fluctuation in the area and looked up.

And materializing into thin air was the visage of the person or thing he hated most in the world.


As the visage of Azrael coalesced to be me corporeal, it began to speak.

"Welcome to The Defiled Expanse my creations! Hahaha!

I do not have high hopes for you but I will root for you nonetheless!

Now that everyone from Earth has made their choice and is either trapped in the void or here in this clearing, the game can finally begin!"

Many people in the crowd began yelling and threating the corporeal figure of Azrael but as if he couldn't hear them, he continued speaking.

"Since their are 3.2 billion of you, the council of gods and goddesses has allowed me to create separate dimensions for your starting periods!

Some of you may recognize the area you are about to be transported too! Hahaha!

You have 30 days to gain as much strength as you can in the separate dimensions before you are forcefully pulled back to this space here!

At that time, it's all on you to survive! Hahaha!

Oh and before I forget, don't get any weird ideas about this place.

If you die and no one is around to heal your body and forcefully attach your soul back to your body, then its game over for you! Hahaha!

Alright, let the game begin! Hahaha!"

For what felt like the 10th time in just a few hours, Grant was suddenly enveloped in a bright light.

When the light subsided, he found himself standing in the center of a small town.

If it could even be called that.

It was nothing more than a few rundown buildings scattered across a small area.

Next to Grant he estimated there to be roughly one thousand people.

'Mom.. Dad.. please do not doing anything rash and stay safe until I can find you again...'

Knowing time was of the essence, Grant prepared to leave immediately towards the nearby forest but paused when he saw a semi official looking old man walking towards there large crowd.

When the old man reached an elevated platform not far from where they were, he began to speak.

"Welcome to the Town of the Beginning! My name is Larry, but you can address me as Mayor. I am in charge of this little town you see around you.

We have received a divine oracle informing us of your arrival and tasked with assisting you in your journey.

You can pick up a weapon at the local weapon shop if you are looking to fight for strength or you can seek out the local tradesman if you are looking to learn a trade!

We do not have..."

Grant stopped listening at that point.

He had heard the one and only thing he needed to hear: where to find a weapon.

Quickly disengaging from the group, Grant made his way towards the local weapon shop.

It only took Grant a few moments to reach the dilapidated building because of how small the 'town was'.

After entering the run down building, Grant saw only a dozen weapons on the walls.

There were a few different types of axes, swords, large maces, spears, etc.

None of them appeared to exceptional but based on what he had seen so far, it wasn't the least bit surprising.

Spotting an older middle aged man sitting at the counter fiddling with something, Grant quickly walked up to him.

"I'm here for a weapon. Can you provide me with one?"

The man didn't even look up from the device in his hands and asked, "What kind of weapon do you want? Axe, Sword, Spear, or Mace?"


With that, the middle aged man place his hand on the counter before a mace suddenly materialized out of thin air.

Once the mace had fully materialized, the man raised his hand and gestured towards Grant to take it.

Ignoring the game like nature of what had just happened, Grant reached down and picked it up.

Once his hand made contact with the mace, a small screen appeared.

[Shoddy Mace

Damage: Depends on Strength

Durability: ∞

Description: A mace made for beginners. The craftsmanship is awful. Did you pay for this? Because you shouldn't have.]

Grant's hunch was right.

The quality of the free weapons was beyond awful.

If he had asked for a weapon with a sharp edge it would have been highly unlikely he could cut so much as a blade of grass with it.

So why did he pick a mace?

Because it didn't matter if it was a rock tied to a stick or an exquisitely made mace, he could still smash stuff with it.

The fact that it had endless durability was the only positive thing about it.

It essentially meant he could bash in skulls all day and not have to worry about it breaking.

While Grant was walking towards the door and preparing to head towards the forest to gain some experience and levels, he received his first real notification from the system.

[Task: Begin The Hunt

Having equipped a weapon you have chosen to walk the path of a warrior, at least for now.

To begin walking your path of a warrior and for the sake of gaining experience, you must learn to fight; to kill.

Task: Kill 10 animals in the surrounding forest.

Time Limit: None

Failure Penalty: None

Rewards: Your reward will be based on the animals you kill and their respective levels.]

Grant allowed a devilish smile to grace his lips.

Although he didn't want to admit it and had tried desperately to suppress the feeling during his short time on Earth, he missed fighting.

Walking the fine line between life and death had defined his very existence for nearly a decade and that wasn't something so easily discarded or forgotten.

It was who he was.

It is what he lived for now.

The thrill of the hunt!

And now, in this new place, in this new world, and with a renewed goal of vengeance against Azrael and the other gods, he would fight.

Fight until one or both of them were dead.

Everything else?

Was just a buildup to that moment.

Grant strode forward with the mace resting on his shoulder, clad in a t-shirt and shorts, looking completely out of place but exuding the aura of a murderous typhoon.

Euphoric at the thought of the battles to come; Grant made a vow.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance motherfuckers.

Now just wait right where you are.

I will kill, crush, or conquer every race you have staked your pride in.

And when I'm done with that?

I'm coming for your fuckin heads."