Chapter 3: Promotion?

Ninth Seat POV

The dispatch was going well. Deploying a rookie was an unnecessary risk, but Vice-Captain Matsumoto's order pretty much tied my hands. However, knowing that the rookie has achieved Shikai, and a particularly powerful Shikai at that, is a small consolation. Apparently, the Vice-Captain wants to promote him to the Tenth Seat if his performance in this dispatch is satisfactory. I'm inclined to support the idea if only because the current Tenth Seat is an incompetent fool, and the remaining low-level officers are wholly unworthy. Thinking of it like this, I'm starting to understand Vice-Captain Matsumoto's haste.

Idlely noting a decrease in the rookie's reiatsu, I focus on his location. 'Mmm, he probably got a good knocking. Let's see if he can adjust to serious combat. This isn't the academy anymore, kid...' Sensing the reiatsu spike, it seems like he activated his Shikai. That's twice in a row. 'He is going to have to learn how to pace himself.'

Ignoring the rookie for a minute, I sense the number of Hollows coming down to single digits. 'It's probably time to start wrapping up. I'll give the team members a few minutes to clean up the remaining small fry.' The other team members know to group up at my location. It's best I go get the rookie. I leisurely activate my Shunpo and disappear from the withering Hollow corpse at my feet.

'Oh, that's interesting.' Sensing the rookie's reiatsu, I recognise the telltale signs of a Hadō building, even though he has already taken down his opponent. 'Cheeky little shit...' Deciding to mess with him a bit, I conceal my reiatsu and speed up. He tenses as I put my hand on his shoulder. 'He is going to need to work on his reflexes, but-' noting the devastation, '-he's done well for his first deployment.' I start lamenting the state of the division as I note that the rookie took down three Hollows alone, while the remaining members needed to team up for each Hollow.

Riku's POV

I start calming down and dispelling my Hadō when I hear the teasing tone of the Ninth Seat. While cursing in my mind, I take a moment to memorise his reiatsu signature since I didn't bother to earlier. Releasing a sign as I followed his lead, I couldn't help but admonish myself. 'I really need to come to terms with my small fry status. Even if the Ninth Seat is an unremarkable no-name Shinigami in the grand scheme of things, the current me is significantly worse than him.'

Feeling the different reiatsu gathering, I notice how uneven and 'tired' each one feels. As the Ninth Seat starts debriefing the squad and seeing several members significantly injured or out of breath, it really puts into context how weak average Shinigami are compared to Hollows. The Hollows were not Menos Grande but just the weakest of their species. It's hard to imagine the level of strength Captains must have to be able to defeat even the strongest Menos now that I'm not seeing this world through a screen anymore.

The Ninth Seat decided to finish the debriefing at the division headquarters, even hinting that he had an important announcement to make. Moving with the team at a slower pace than we came with, I called out to Sōten ni zase. 'Thanks for the assist. I should have kept you in a released state the entire time.' Hearing a deep electronic hum in my mind, I form a wry smile and take it as acceptance. My zanpakutō spirit has always been a shy person/object(?). It really makes communication between us difficult. Especially knowing that my zanpakutō spirit is likely to be the only other existence I can wholeheartedly trust in this crazy universe. His appearance as a sentient sci-fi levitating ball doesn't help, either.

Suppressing the umpteenth sign for the day, I direct my focus to my surroundings. The visible change in the quality of houses and the almost substantive increase in the happiness of the souls as we get closer to the Seireitei is admittedly disturbing. I'm going to have to get used to it, especially as the nobles of Soul Society have stood victories over all would-be challengers for millennia. Not that I would challenge them. 'Fuck these people. I don't owe them anything.'

Rangiku Matsumoto POV

As I stretch my upper body, I suppress a moan as i feel the satisfying crack in my back. Looking at the pile of handled paperwork, I let myself savour the feeling of a job well done. Even as I pat myself on the back, I couldn't help but start getting irritated at the fact that half these documents were meant to be the Captain's responsibility. He doesn't even have the decency to pretend to be ashamed of his unprofessional conduct. Hell, even reprimands from the First division haven't changed his behaviour.

A couple dozen or so footsteps pull me out of my internal rant. 'The Ninth's team.' They are probably going to debrief. Sensing that everyone that dispatched returned in one piece is always pleasant news. 'Let's go see the superstar rookie, shall we...' I chuckle a little at the thought.

With a bit more pep in my step, I eventually reach the meeting room. Hearing that the Ninth is about to dismiss everyone, I enter, attracting everyone's attention. After a few rounds of greetings, I let the team settle down with the Ninth standing next to me. Suppressing a smirk, I start, "Riku-kun, can you step forward?" Ignoring the Ninth rolling his eyes, I continue, "Taking into account your academy record, we were flirting with the idea of having you take up the Tenth Seat-" Raising my hand to silence the murmurs I continue addressing the team "The current Tenth has been...underperforming in his duties, and no other lower-seated officer in the division has shown themselves capable of assuming the position." Shaking my head at the members with their heads down, I finish off the offer, "So I had the Ninth observe your performance in the field and help decide whether you hold the ability to take up the Tenth Seat-" Glancing at the Ninth, he gives me a nod. "So Riku-kun, will you accept this responsibility?"