Chapter 5: Skipping out on work

Riku's POV

My estimations for the spell matrix were surprisingly on point. It took about four months to get the prototype working, but the bug testing has proven to be a massive pain in the ass. Setting the project timeline back two months. It matters not, though, because it's finally done...Deciding not to test the spell at full power in the division headquarters, I applied to Vice-Captain Matsumoto for a day off. Usually, Seated officers have a few days of vacation leave every year, but most Shinigami don't bother using them. 'Why would they? Most days in Soul Society are very leisurely for officers.'

Arriving in a high-numbered district in North Rukongai, I couldn't help but start feeling irritated at the Central 46. Apparently, being a Tenth Seat does not provide nearly enough clearance for a non-Kido Corps Shinigami to get access to seals and barriers. 'If I had those barriers, I could do this shit in the comfort of my own house.' Releasing a sign, I ignore the Central 46 and continue with my actual purpose.

I'm not actually worried about attracting the attention of the Twelve division. Atmospheric reishi tends to act like the wind, in that regions of concentrated reishi ebb and flow in unpredictable patterns. And if I keep my reiatsu emissions at a minimum, no one will be the wiser. Taking a deep breath, I reach out to my zanpakutō. 'Okay, buddy, let's start at five per cent activation.'

I start feeling a noticeable disturbance in the reishi around me. Even at five percent, the spell is absorbing more reishi per second than the average Shinigami could in a day. Although that sounds impressive, that's mostly an inditement on the slow speed of Shinigami's 'cultivation'. I give the process a few minutes to check for any previously unnoticed instabilities. Finding none, I decided to step things up a bit. "Bask in the essence of creation, Sōten ni zase." Being careful to contain my reiatsu, I command the surrounding reishi to congregate into a basketball-sized blue sphere. The sphere practically contained most of the reishi in a twenty-meter radius, 'And damn, if it is not beautiful.'

Building a bridge between me and the sphere, I ask Sōten ni zase to push the spell to fifty per cent. The resulting absolute rush of power caught me off guard. 'Not exactly off guard. I expected something like this but definitely not to this extent...' In just a single minute, the spell has allowed me to grow my reiryoku by roughly 0.01 per cent. Meaning in two hours, I will have increased my overall reiryoku by more than one per cent.

That's honestly wild, as reiryoku growth like that is only seen in life-or-death battles and very intense training by incredibly talented individuals. Average Shinigami will never see more than single-digit growth, even in the most gruelly death match. Something some of my division members can personally attest to. My own talent isn't too stellar either, in the grand scheme of things. A lifetime of committed training will likely make me comparable to strong Vice-Captains, but no further. 'Assuming I don't cheat, that is.' I can't stop the full-blown grin from forming as I feel my reiryoku noticeably expand.

Getting pissed all over again at the Central 46 blue balling. With the appropriate barriers, I think I could have my spell active for at least a couple of hours a day, but without them, I need to sneak around like an idiot if I don't want my zanpakutō confiscated. Messaging my head to soothe the building headache, I start planning my future reiryoku training. An electronic hum in the back of my mind reassures me a bit. "At least the spell works well enough. It's probably best not to push it past seventy per cent if we want the spell to remain stable for the foreseeable future." Dusting myself off, I decided to head back before the sun fully set. Walking along the orange-dyed streets, I muse on my next steps, 'Project Glutton is stable for now...It's time to start Project Atlas.'

Riku's POV. 2 weeks later.

I think I might have overestimated how much the Captain and Vice-Captain care about work ethic. I had decided to test how many hours of work I could trim off my workday if I still attended to all my duties satisfactorily. It turns out the answer is, a lot. This obviously boded well for my reiryoku training, allowing me more time to focus on my new spell matrix. 'It's still a bit weird that I'm in a previously fictional universe, contemplating how to improve a fucking magic spell.' Chuckling a bit, I allow Sōten ni zase to send me the memory of his final simulation. ' It's confirmed then.'

A groan draws my attention from Sōten ni zase's inner space. "Mmm, what are you doing up?" Deciding I've done enough for the night, I get back in bed. "Just had a lot on my mind, but I'm sure you could help distract me." Seeing my deflection for what it is, the beautiful woman plays along. She wraps her arms around my neck and softly whispers in my ear. "I'm sure I could."

Trying to block out the few rays of the morning sun trickling in, I immediately feel the empty space next to me. I couldn't help but respect her dedication to her job. A few days ago, I decided to ask out one of the few female members of my division. We both know we're only having a bit of fun, but any fun is welcome in this painfully stagnant world. Shaking my head, I put the wonderful night behind me. Feeling my sizable reiryoku, I start looking forward to my day, 'It's about time for me to start moving up the ranks.'