Chapter 13: Free Riku

Third Seat POV.

I was standing outside the Nest of Maggots. It was the first time I had actually come around these parts of the Seireitei. Since my transfer and promotion from the Eighth division a few years ago to fill the position after my predecessor got killed in action, I had rarely gone anywhere but certain districts of the Rukongai and the division headquarters.

The Nest of Maggots was surprisingly nondescript. Most significant buildings in the Seireitei, have massive billboards naming the buildings. The entrance was essentially a small metal door jutting out a mountain. At least the entrance guards seemed like reasonable people.

I had arrived ahead of schedule. Since I didn't want to stand here awkwardly for the next thirty minutes, I approached the Detention Unit guards that were stationed at each side of the door. As we were talking to pass the time, I heard a knock on the metal door. One of the guards approached the door and knocked back in a certain pattern.

After which, lines of bright yellow kanji symbols suddenly became visible all around the entrance, spreading across the mountain face like a giant web. Distracted by what I assume was a previously invisible seal, I didn't notice the door to the prison fully opening.

I felt him before I saw him. The moment that the Riku guy I was supposed to escort stepped through the door, a feeling of dread surged through my body. The hairs on my neck stood on end, and my heartbeat accelerated to dangerous levels. The reiatsu I could sense was extremely vile. The embodiment of despair and rage.

I staggered a bit, trying to stop myself from throwing up. Suppressing the nausea, I realised I was having a full-blown panic attack. My instincts were screaming for me to run and not look back. Glancing at the group of guards, I could tell I was not the only one feeling it. This man was dangerous.

"Damn it!" Rilling myself up, I tried to fight against my instincts. I'm a Seated Officer of the Tenth division. I cannot retreat. I'll stall him until the Vice-Captain arrives, or die trying. Gritting my teeth, my bloodshot eyes glared him down. "Bury, Mogura-ō!"

Riku's POV.

Stepping through the final exit of the prison, I couldn't help but feel emotional. Feeling the long-lost warm light on my face and the gentle breeze on my skin, my self-control slipped for a moment.

A side effect of becoming powerful is that your reiatsu becomes tainted by your experiences. This process is unavoidable. No matter how much I try and project myself as pragmatic and rational, my reiatsu betrays me.

Nihilism and hate run through my reiatsu. They give it a coarse texture and bone-crushing weight. Given the nature of my powers, my hate for the world, if not prevented, goes on to infect my surroundings. To the outside observer, it would feel as if the world suddenly loathes you and seeks your doom.

This is one of the reasons I keep my reiatsu and presence concealed and controlled. The change is exemplified by the change in the colour of my reiatsu. Before my imprisonment, my reiatsu was a light blue colour, a very common colour among Shinigami.

However, now, looking at the energy running through my hand, my reiatsu has become a dull grey. The change isn't permanent, though. Confronting my trauma or going through a life-changing event will also likely result in a colour change. As I said earlier, reiatsu is shaped by our experiences.

The small reiatsu spike of one of the Shinigami near me awoke me from my stupor. Seeing his hostile stance, I immediately knew why he and the others were reacting this way. I quickly suppressed my reiatsu, and slowly sat down. Hopefully de-escalating the situation. Exhaling slightly, I ignored the panicking and somewhat confused Shinigami, and truly relaxed for the first time in decades.

Rangiku Matsumoto POV.

Walking past the black-and-white architecture of the Seireitei, I couldn't help but feel reminiscent. It has been a century since Riku was imprisoned. At first, I was outraged at the Central 46's decision. I remember getting into screaming matches with the Captain, begging and pleading for him to speak up for Riku. But he never did. On some level, I understand why.

The Captain is a man who cares a great deal about his subordinates. So his disappointment with Riku due to Riku's actions of putting the lives of the division members at risk is immense. However, he must know that without Riku, the Adjuchas would have killed everyone long before he arrived.

But life goes on. Before I got a notice from the Detention Unit yesterday, I hadn't thought of Riku in decades. I remember convincing myself not too long after the Captain made his position on the matter extremely clear, that my duty as a Shinigami is to follow orders.

No matter my opinion, Riku used Quincy-like abilities. He had received warnings from the Central 46, but proceeded anyway. He might not deserve the totality of his current punishment, but the words of the Central 46 are paramount.

Chuckling mirthlessly, I couldn't believe I was ever that naive. Age has bestowed some wisdom upon me, giving me more perspective. The purpose of the Central 46 is and always has been protecting the interests of the nobles.

The goals of the Gotei 13 barely align with that of the nobles, but for reasons unknown, the Captain-Commander tolerates and, to an extent, caters to the Central 46. Being an officer of the Gotei 13 always comes with that internal conflict because, as a Shinigami, I believe in the mission of the Gotei 13. That will never change. But no self-respecting person will ever want to be the servant of arrogant nobles.

Glancing at the low-level Shinigami, coming and going along the street. Oblivious to the grand machinations of our organization, I couldn't help but chide myself for trying to distract from the real issue. I was nervous about meeting Riku again.

I wouldn't be surprised if he blames me in part for his imprisonment. Judging by the Kidō he performed in the battle, he could have quite easily escaped the Adjuchas, even if his Kidō rockets were unstable. Him being unable to reliably escape while carrying me, is likely the reason he stayed and fought.

Signing, I activated my Shunpo and disappeared from the street. Rushing past the tall trees found in the forest behind the Gotei 13, I sensed the reiatsu of the current Third Seat spike. Not wanting to leave anything to chance, I pushed my Shunpo to its limit. Seconds later, I gently landed in the clearing in front of the Nest of Maggots.

Seeing the Third Seat and the Detention Unit members surrounding a large seated man, I got an idea of what was going on. Hoping to further de-escalate the situation, I calmly called out to the serene man. Even if I could not feel his reiatsu, I would never forget his face.


He tilted his head to look at me. His light brown eyes seemed to be much duller than I remembered. He stared at me for a moment without speaking.

The rising tension caused the Third Seat to fidget. Before anything could happen, he spoke in a deep but ragged voice that showed that he had not spoken to anyone in a long time.

"Vice-Captain Matsumoto. It's good to see you in good health."