(4) Pentagone

The Chief of Staff picked up a presentation remote and pointed it at a screen covering one wall. A video lit up showing dark water and a cloudy gray sky. "If you look here, you'll see a recording obtained by the Neo-Templar guild's reconnaissance drones. It was recorded on the shores of the English Channel, between what was once France and the United Kingdom. Those countries no longer exist, of course."The video was indeed from the perspective of a drone flying above a huge body of water. Within moments, a peculiar sight came into the picture—it appeared to be a human walking on the surface of the water itself. The drone veered to get closer and closer to the figure. There was a momentary break in the cloud cover, making everything in the video brighter…And what had appeared to be a human proved to instead be a rotting Zombie. The video froze on a close-up shot of the Zombie's leering face, and a heavy silence fell over the room.Suddenly, the Field Marshal rose and called out, "This can't be mere coincidence! We all know that Zombies have undergone a major biological evolution in recent years. They've become stronger, more intelligent, and more dangerous. It was only three years ago that the Hunter Association recognized the existence of Rank-S Zombies for the first time."The oceans have always been a formidable natural barrier against these predators, which is why the priority of the 'Reconquista' project was given to the British Isles. However, this protection, which has enabled America to survive, now seems to be crumbling more and more."The President said, "Field Marshal, what exactly do you mean?"But the Chief of Staff cleared his throat and called out in a loud voice, "Let's be clear: If the Zombies continue their amphibious evolution, we must prepare for a second Great Wave!"At these words, the whole council erupted into frenzied discussion. The Chief of Staff tried unsuccessfully to restore order, but nobody paid any mind. Finally, General Pantherson roared out in a practiced military shout, "Marshal!"Silence fell.Pantherson looked around him in contempt and shook his head at the lack of discipline of those surrounding him then, he continued speaking in a slightly lower tone. "I've been fighting Zombies for a decade. I've witnessed many oddities among this species and I've seen many oddities among this species. Many specialized Zombies, some of whom can adapt in similar ways to Hunters. We all know that the danger of Zombies isn't in the individual, but in the fact that they have a nest and a queen… and through the queen, the individual can inherit terrible power."It's genetically unlikely that a Zombie queen would develop the ability to traverse water in an entirely new evolutionary branch that doesn't help their immediate survival on land, so there's little to fear regarding a single Zombie who can shamble over the ocean. A helicopter with a gun will kill a lone Zombie on the water just as easily as if it were on an open plain!"A man who had up till now been silent rose on the opposite side of the table to the general. He wore a white lab coat, but everyone in the room would've recognized him no matter what he wore as the most powerful man in the world: Terra Corp's CEO. He said, "No, General Pantherson. According to our latest analyses, which we've taken from the four corners of the globe, their DNA seems to have developed a general resistance to water as well as a growing amphibious capability."General Pantherson gave a slight smile that was dangerously close to a sneer. "What, are you suggesting the spontaneous global appearance of a trait like that? The rise of a collective conscience? I'm shocked to hear a man of science like yourself suggesting something like the Hundredth Monkey Effect!"The CEO remained calm. He allowed a long silence to pass, making the general's words hang awkwardly in the air. Finally, he said with quiet confidence, "Yes, general. There is absolutely no doubt about it."