Calmy Beach

On one of the island's beaches, a young man and a woman were kissing lovingly, ignoring the chaos and danger which filled the rest of the island. In this moment, they cared only about each other. The woman said, "Today's the last bit of rest we'll have before going back to hell. I really hope the second year at the academy will be more forgiving. I really thought I was going to die last year!"

The man replied, "Don't worry, my love, that Nazi Omega is staying back to teach freshmen!" He gave a confident smile. "Besides, I'll always be there to protect you. If those bastards think they're going to drive us to suicide, they're wrong! We'll finish our studies, join a great guild, and have a comfortable life in California!" 

The young woman seemed happily under his spell as she replied, "I sure hope you're right!" 

The two lovers kissed and embraced—and then were suddenly interrupted by the silhouette of a naked man who'd just emerged from the ocean beside them. 

The woman screamed in terror. "Pervert!" 

Her partner snapped, "You bastard, can't you go streak somewhere else!?" 

Alexandre replied calmly, "Excuse me for bothering you, but I need some clothes." 

The man replied, "I can see that, but I don't have any for you! Go ask someone else!"

Alexandre looked him from head to toe. "Don't worry, what you're wearing will be fine." 

The shocked man replied, "Huh!? What the fuck did you just—" 

Alexandre punched the man in the jaw, knocking him instantly unconscious.

The woman screamed again and stood up shakily, pointing a furious finger at Alexandre. "No, Kevin! I'm going to report you to the academy, asshole! You'll get kicked out for this!" 

In response, Alexandre simply knocked her unconscious beside her partner. Then he squatted down and began stripping the man. "If he'd just given me the clothes without running his mouth, all this could've been avoided," he muttered.

After removing all the man's clothes, Alexandre tried them on. Unsurprisingly, they didn't quite fit, but it was better than continuing to walk around naked. Then Alexandre began walking back to the academy, leaving the two unconscious lovers together.

During his walk, Alexandre pondered the day's events. First, he'd killed a human begging for forgiveness. Then, he'd beaten and humiliated a couple.

Alexandre had never exactly been a believer in the Christian virtue of loving one's neighbor, but neither had he ever been quite this unhesitatingly bloodthirsty before. It certainly hadn't been the way he'd been raised to behave. Sure, his experiences in the Genesis Project had changed him, but he hadn't realized exactly how much until he'd been put through so much intense stress lately.

It was clear that Hunter Syndrome was beginning to take its toll. It'd been far too easy for him to convince himself that merciless killing was necessary, and it was dangerous how he was enjoying it. Alexandre needed to work on his self-control before he made mistakes that led to him being killed or imprisoned—not by Zombies, but by his fellow Hunters. This was the fate of those who gave themselves over to Hunter Syndrome.

But for the time being, Alexandre was confident he wouldn't be punished for violating the academy's non-aggression rules. He knew that the sanctions were severe, but he was also confident that he wouldn't be punished for it.

The academy always put results first. Alexandre was currently top in his class. So long as he didn't push his luck too far, like killing completely innocent students without provocation, he believed that he didn't have anything to worry about.