I could spend hours talking to you and it only feels like a handful of moments. And I know that life can be difficult and challenges get in the way, but with you, life feels effortless. It feels like the struggle is worth it. Just to see you at the end of the day. When I am with you, the sadness goes away.


*** Pillow Thoughts; Courtney Pepperneil ***


It was not easy for Cane to deal with this feeling of fear. Those blissful moments were just that, momentary. Then he noticed Iris' exhausted face and how some parts of her body were bruised. The color irritated him. He was afraid something so bad had happened to her.


But then, if she could survive their previous intimate times when he had not been careful enough, she would survive this, too. This consolatory thought was not really helpful, because it irked him even more to be reminded of something that forever would be engraved in his mind and heart.