With her current power, Abby was sceptic to be able to fight against the Decratic. There was no way she could stand a chance against him with how weak she was, no matter how strong the Holy Knights and magic users from the Holy Kingdom, it would be the Serafim against the Decratic in the end.

It was written down in their hall, the prophecy about the Decratic and the Serafim. Because the two entities would be existed in at some point within one of the generations of Serafim's lifetime. 

There was no doubt in that, the knowledge had been drilled into Abby ever since she was a child and the Holy Kingdom discovered her as the next generation of the Serafim, as the previous one was already very old to carry out her duty as the Serafim. 

That day was the day that changed Abby's entire life. Many people had a high expectation of her, where it started to suffocate her. They paid close attention to her every move, as if she couldn't even breath wrongly.