Just like what they had predicted, the hole was big enough to squeeze his body inside, for a while, it was like a narrow tunnel, where Zale had to crawl on his knees and elbows before he found a wider area like a cave. He was bringing luminous pearl with him, so he could see inside. 

"Who… who is that?" Joel asked hoarsely, it had been three days, if it was not more, they were trapped inside. Thankfully, from the crack on the rocks, there was water dripping. It must be raining outside, but then what they drank was the black water from the strange rain. 

Though it was questionable, but they didn't have many options if they wanted to survive. 

"Joel, is that you?" Zale asked, he followed his voice and found Joel was leaning his back against the rock. He closed his eyes because the light from the luminous pearls hurt his eyes. 

"Drop it…" he said, he tried to avoid the bright light.