"I will not let him go, honey." Iris approached Zaya and she hugged her mother, tears welled up in her eyes, because she was too afraid of the possibility that might happen to her father. She didn't want to lose him.


"I don't want father to die." A single tear streamed down Zaya's eyes when she said that. It was traumatizing for her to watch how Lil Thing left her, but she was terrified to think she was not going to see her father again.


"I don't want too, dear." Iris kissed the top of Zaya's head. She was glad that Cane was sleeping right now and didn't wake up, because he would be heartbroken to see his little princess cried like this. "He will be fine. He will be fine honey."


Zaya lifted her head and looked at her mother through her teary eyes. "Promise?"


Iris kissed the tip of her nose, but she didn't answer her.