"Mama," A young boy that was no older than four looked at his mother with tear in his eyes. He stumbled toward his mother after he was being bullied by his other siblings. "Why they don't want to play with me?"


Annelise had this beautiful smile on her lips, she was calm and collected when she carried her son in her arms. "Mama said not to play with them, right?"


She wiped his tears.


"But, why? I though they are my brothers?"


"They are, Lou. They are your brothers."


"Why I can't play with them?"


"I am sorry, Lou. It's mama fault." Annelise kissed her son and hugged him a little bit tighter. "Why don't you play with mama?"


Lou looked at his mother, he didn't want to play with his mother because she had been sick and couldn't run as fast as him, but the sad look on her eyes made him nodded.