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Have you ever wondered what happens after one's death? Or more accurately, What happens to one consciousness/Soul After it leaves the physical body? I'm sure the question has probably crossed your mind at some point in your life.

Many believe when a person dies the soul is sent through a system cycle of reincarnation into a new life where his fate is decided based on its actions during its life which are contrary to religious belief that after one's death, the soul is sent to either heaven or hell depending on the actions they committed throughout their lives.

Every person has his own set of beliefs on the matter and it differs from person to person. Now you're probably thinking "ok all-knowing omnipotent God please enlightened us, peasants, with your knowledge of the afterlife". And to that, I answer "Much Obliged".

Now, where do I begin, Let me first introduce myself, my name is Leon Spark and this coming year I was supposed to turn 21 until.. an incident happened.

I was your typical shut-in fat otaku that would pick fights on Reddit discussions that were anime related. 

Yup, you guessed It, I was an immature lazy fat piece of shit at the time. Well, I don't blame myself, You see for most people watching anime and playing video games Is just a form of entertainment and pass time but for me, I see it as a means to "escape reality", where I can truly be "free".

You see, I grew up in a very loving environment and had a pretty fun childhood but that's until I entered high school where I was constantly bullied for my looks and size. Sigh*, I remember how even my closest childhood friends slowly kept avoiding me. 

Sigh* what a day! that was!.

I'm not gonna lie even after I graduated the future wasn't looking too bright for me as I had below-average grades, overweight no social life and finally nobody was willing to hire me. Leading to live a shut-in lifestyle.

Until one faithful day, We were On our way back home when my Little sister accidentally bumped into a shady-looking man.

Watch where you're going you little shit! Now get the fuck out my way, just as he was about to soccer punch the little girl The big brother came to the rescue and took the hit in her stead causing him to drop down groaning in pain.

Hahaha, you must be her brother! What a fucking fat pig like you gonna do huh! You fucker! how dare you even try to get in my way! I'll me teach you a lesson you will never forget! 

The man kept beating the little girl's brother until the little girl decided to fight back and throw a rock at the man's forehead causing it to bleed.

You Wreched little bitch! How dare you throw a rock at me! I will fucking kill you! Just like I did to your brother.

Shocked at man's claim to have killed her brother the girl lost her will to fight and started crying in grief for her "Dead brother".

With every step the man got closer to the girl until he was suddenly halted by something that grabbed his leg. It was none other than the fat obese person that he beat up earlier clinging to his legs.

I won't let you harm my sister!, You piece of a shitty excuse for a human being your personality is probably crooked as your nose you ugly piece of shit!.

After being on the receiving end of the bombardment of curses the Man was fuming with anger as never in his entire life has someone spoken to him with such disrespect.

You fucker! I'm gonna kill you!, pulling out a knife from his pocket the man was about to stab Leon to death. Nooooo! Hearing the girl scream was enough to startle the man for a split second for a cop to arrive and shoot the man dead on the spot.


After the incident, we were treated at a hospital and after a few weeks of recuperation, we were finally discharged and allowed to return home.

After investigation it Turns out the man was a young monster from a wealthy family that lost his right to succession thus leading him to fall into despair and drugs. And after further investigation, he was proven guilty of many cases of physical abuse and drug use which ultimately led to the family apologizing to all the victims and heavily compensating them.

After that incident, I knew I couldn't afford to stay and continue living my life as if nothing had happened as for the first time in my life the desire to change burned in me like it never burned before!.

What's the best way to force change you ask?, My answer is obviously none other than to draft yourself into the military!


Finally! After three long years of torture and suffering, I am finally free! I will truly miss the guys at the force but there's nothing that beats freedom!. 

Walking down a familiar road was an unfamiliar man or accurately a "changed man", Towering at 5.10 and weighing 90 kilos of muscle is none other than Leon spark!.

Crossing from street to street I finally arrive at the final stoplight only a few blocks from my house when suddenly In the far corners of my eye I noticed an elderly man crossing the highway and was about to be hit by a speeding truck!

Not wasting a single moment I arrived beside the old man and In the last moment I instinctively managed to shove him to safely before getting hit by a truck, Causing My body to flung into the air and come crashing doen dozen or so meters away, leaving trails of blood everywhere.

The last thing I remember was, hearing the loud sirens coming from the ambulance and the unfulfilled regrets ringing in my head similar to the red lights flashing from the ambulance until my consciousness finally gave out.

Waking up I found myself inside an unfamiliar building which looked oddly similar to the ancient temples id see on "Tv".

After wondering around the Palace I eventually arrive in front of what seemed like a throne room and on the throne sat an oddly familiar old man.

Upon a closer look, I notice that this man is the same old man I saved from the truck accident not too long ago.

Sigh* So your died. As well.. (In a sad tone)

Not quite young man, The old man said with a smirk. What do you mean?, So we're not dead?.

No!, your definitely dead.. Under normal circumstances... but this case is a bit complicated so let me explain Our situation.

First and foremost as one the guardians that oversee the multiverse I would like to apologize for my actions which sadly led to your death.

My death? What do you mean? I chose to save you remember? I don't understand?.

Let me explain, Perhaps your aware of the term "The Butterfly Effect"?, Yes?. Essentially the idea that a small action that might seem insignificant has the power to effect the bigger picture.

So how does it effect you you ask?, to cut long story short. Simply by me existing in your planet or anywhere outside the Outer plane had caused a massive disturbance in the multiverse therefore causing a Massive scale Intermultiversal alterations.

Ok.. I think I understand. So... What do I do now?. Go to Heaven? Hell? Or I could just wait for 1000 years for salvation I joked sarcastically.

"Strange" mattered the old man.

What strange? I asked in confusion. Usually when humans die they're alot more emotional which you don't seem to be in too much of a  crisis.

Well, I do worry quite a bit for the welfare of my family if your wondering. Besides that I can't really do anything in my situation, what's done been done and all I can do do now Is hope for the best.

I see.., Rest assured I've arranged for them to lead happy lives away from harm.

As for your question, well.., under normal circumstances your soul would've been sent to reincarnate like any other soul so far but seeing as I was the main cause of your death I will let you choose between three options.

For the First option would be your only opportunity to reincarnate back on earth into an extremely wealthy family and golden spoon in your mouth for your entire life. This also comes with a lifetime's supply of unbelievably good luck.

As for your Second option I'll give you the opportunity to reincarnate into any game you've ever played Ofcourse this also comes with a built in cheat pack for the best experience.

And For the third Option you get to reincarnate into any Fictional book or movie of your choosing, Worry not for this also comes in with a few set of boons and of course a built-in "Time Limited Plot Armour Edition" guarantee.

After he was done explaining, I stood there in silence, baffled at what I had heard. The old me would've probably died of Cardiac arrest from all the excitement. Even now it's hard for me to contain the surging emotions. This moment is like a dream come true for an Otaku like me.

It started with a few giggles that soon escalated to laughing like an Evil frantic manic.[Yup, you know what they say.. Old habits die hard maybe in my case they don't die at all?..].

Oh yea did i forget to mention that I used to be super Edgy? Yeah.. That's right. Bad communication skills, No social Life and being rooted on chair all day could do wonders for a person, Trust me I know.

After "Careful consideration" with the assistance of my last few remaining brain cells I have left I finally came to a decision. And With a flick of a finger, my soul form was tied to a rocket and was sent flying across time and space until I lost consciousness.