Chapter 6: Creating a Super Advanced AI


"Knowledge can change one's destiny and diligence will result in glory."

-Klein Moretti (LOTM)

Word Count - 1288


The Precursors' pin accurate origins were unknown.

There were many speculations surrounding their origins with the most common one linking them to a different universe known as the Anteverse.

They first appeared in our universe during the Triassic period, the age where dinosaurs still roamed the earth.

Deeming the environmental conditions of that time unsuitable for their operations, they decided to take the wait and see approach.

I couldn't help but feel that their hardcore patience was praiseworthy.

Waiting for millions of years just to colonize a single civilization? Those hideous aliens were truly steady.

I wondered what could have deterred them from easily conquering our planet aside from the loose explanation of unconducive environmental conditions.

The precursors were an alien race with supposed advanced technology. Then how could they have not come up with a way to ensure their adaptability?

Could it have been the dinosaurs or something... more lethal that made them halt their progression?

'What am I overthinking so much?' I mentally scolded myself.

"My speculations are useless when I am going to find the answers eventually."

I then took my MacBook and any chargeable electronics in the vicinity while heading to my future underground workshop.

I wanted to create a super advanced AI, a massive upgrade of my first ever AI, Yelena.

I was just upgrading her in this life to be more versatile and powerful than even F.R.I.D.A.Y or a militaristic AI like SkyNet.

Heck, there were even some AI he had read about that proved capable of hacking reality and achieving virtual Omnipotence.

There were all types of weird and overpowered AI out there in the Omniverse, for example, an AI like Cortana from Halo needed to be carried all over.

And we couldn't begin to imagine the sheer enormity of the Omniverse.

It was simply exhilarating when thinking about all the impossibilities casually happening in the infinite realities.

To create what I had in mind, I needed lots of the current tech.

Buying all of them in one go would easily bring unnecessary attention to me and currently, I didn't want to be disturbed.

But something like that was easy to solve.

I bought the gadgets I needed from different sellers easily amounting to what I needed.

During the receiving of my orders, I wore a hoodie and a mask to hide most of my features.

The world wasn't ready to see my appearance.

I preferred anonymity. For now.

After finishing my deals, I decided to begin my super advanced AI program.

I had to look out for many things, ranging from semiconductors, microprocessors, and transistors.

The super advanced AI required a platform for it to run smoothly.

And I was basically creating an advanced Super-Quantum computer, a hybrid of parts of a supercomputer and a Quantum computer.

The Quantum computers that I bought cost me millions of dollars but nowhere enough to empty my bank account.

If a quantum computer could run almost 158 million times faster than a supercomputer, then just imagine the full capabilities of the hybrid that was under creation?

I had modified all the technological parts and engineered a new invention, the Super-Quantum hybrid computer, all integrated into a laptop.

It was as simple as taking a breath of fresh air.

This monstrous laptop could easily manage an equivalent of Zettaflops of RAM without any sort of Lagging.

And I had yet to tap into its full potential.

The super-computerized gadget was something that couldn't run on simple electricity or something like a Lithium ion battery.

Taking inspiration from the Repulsor Tech designed by Tony Stark, I created a miniaturized arc reactor to serve as the power source of the Super-Quantum hybrid computer.

Having arc reactors especially the same as the models processed by Tony Stark from Earth-616 was definitely gonna help me in the long run.

There was no way I was going to allow myself or my work stations to be disabled by a mere electromagnetic impulse from a gorilla Kaiju, right?

It would be better to use a source of clean energy like the Arc Reactor to power my whole base.

Next, it was time to build my virtual super assistant.

To facilitate the running of the Artificial intelligence that I had in mind, I needed to build up pretty advanced algorithms.

Oh hello, welcome to the world of algorithms.

I was totally immersed that I couldn't extricate myself from this world as I typed away on the keyboard, especially, during the refinement process.

Building the super AI code was a difficult task that gave me a slight headache but I was already prepared.

With sufficient advanced knowledge in machine learning, image processing, natural language processing, Human-Computer Interaction Technologies, and computer vision, nothing seemed impossible to accomplish.

I finalized my Super advanced AI program in a month.

That was the longest time I have ever taken when dealing with Binary.

Of course, I didn't do it continuously since I wasn't at Peak Human or supernatural level.

I had to take ample rest in between the project progression.

Due to my athletic figure, I also didn't suffer from any burn out.


"How are you, sir?" AI Yelena greeted me while taking the holographic form that she had during my previous life.

AI simply doesn't reincarnate.

This AI Yelena was essentially a newer, born again... that doesn't sound right, I suppose it is just a new creation. Yes, let's term it like that.

I was seated in the living room while in front of me was an ongoing news report which I honestly didn't bother to listen to while taking a swig off a can of beer.

"Do you feel any imbalances in your functions?" I asked AI Yelena.

Prior to this, I had already run several tests to ensure my efforts were on point.

"I haven't experienced any type of glitch or abnormalities. And I have already accessed the global network of the world," AI Yelena explained confidently.

I nodded to myself and then belched in satisfaction before putting the empty can of beer on the table.

AI Yelena was there to serve me and only me; She was like my maidservant, my super virtual personal assistant.

And it wasn't going to betray him in any way, for he was the living CODE.

A super Artificial intelligence could run processes at clock speeds faster than a human brain but it could not compare to its potential.

A human brain with its more than billions of interconnected neurons was a truly fascinating, complex system, incomparable to a super artificial intelligence.

"Good." I murmured before rising from my seat.

I then stretched my muscles while yawning.

Oh shit, I didn't realize it was already nighttime.

"Hmm, I think it's high time I get rewarded for all my efforts." I touched my chin while smiling smugly.

"But before that... let me eat something yummy and then, take a bath."

30 minutes later, I was already done with all those trivialities and comfortably tucked in under my soft and heavy duvet.

I am not an insomniac and I really liked my sleep after a hard, tiring day.

Eight hours of good sleep worked wonders and refreshment on a tired body.

"System, it's finally that time..." I called out with an exuberant voice.

[Recognizing Host's achievements]


[Calculating rewards...]

[Appropriate rewards have been calculated!]

[Congratulations! You have been...]

'It seems I am going to have a good dream tonight.' I couldn't help but think while smiling over the prompts after prompts clouding my line of vision.

My late night hard work was finally going to pay off!
