Chapter 27: A dying man


"I have harnessed the shadows that stride from world to world to sow death and madness."

Word Count 1250


"I thought you were an uptight and all-too-serious man. Didn't know your lungs could burst?" I clicked my tongue while smirking.

"So that's your first impression of me?" He coughed a little bit as his laughter died.

"I think so, marshal. Technically, if I was in your shoes, I bet I would also be like that," I replied.

"The pressure. The anticipation. The expectations."

"You are probably a person with a story to tell." I gave him a meaningful glare.

He returned my gaze. "Everyone does and so is your mysterious one."

"You know…even though I don't fully trust you, Kal, I see a strong determination, immense confidence, and firmness in your eyes." He then started while breaching the distance between us.

"You are a man I have yet to fully understand after this short conversation of ours." He squinted his eyes at me.

"I know a ruthless man when I see one. You have blood in your hands," He said seriously in a low voice.

I didn't react to his statement and coldly looked back at him.

He was right, after all. As for how he could arrive at such an in-depth profiling, I didn't know but I had a few guesses of my own.

It could have been his instincts. The instincts of a man who has tasted the cruelty of war.

"You are human but can humanity count on you, Mr. Kal?" He asked while scrutinizing every micro-expressions on my face.

He was bound to be disappointed since I was not giving away anything with a poker face.

"I am a scientist. Does humanity need a scientist?" I asked back while one corner of my lips tugged subtly.

A surprised expression formed on his tired face.

"I thought you were an engineer. You don't look like a science guy with such a body." He chuckled while his eyes shifted up and down my figure.

"That's unnecessary stereotyping, marshal," I said blandly.

"But…" I smiled while stopping mid-sentence.

"You aren't wrong either. It happens that I am also more of an engineer myself."

"I don't believe it but the confidence in your voice speaks volumes. I will give you the benefit of doubt," He sighed but his eyes seemed to be full of interest. Probably thinking of ways to utilize me.

Oh, marshal, it's supposed to be the other way around. I am the one who will be using you.

"You won't be disappointed." I could even end the war between Kaijus and Humanity with just a click.

"I have a little bit of knowledge about Kaijus after a long and extensive research." This was definitely going to make him all ears.

"Tell me. More." He couldn't contain himself and anxiously placed one of his hands on my shoulder.

My brows arched in amusement, unbothered by the ignorable pressure being applied by his hand.

I then swatted it away. Like a fly.

"Marshal, why are you being so touchy?"

"Oh sorry about that." He apologized albeit embarrassedly.

He then composed himself. He probably now realized that I am not a normal man that could be commanded. His militaristic jurisdiction couldn't be applied to me.

He was giving me respect, elevating my status to be on the same level as his. (but we weren't on the same level. I was someone up on the pyramid)

"Please tell me what you need in return. What's the price of that knowledge that you hold?" He took a more gentle and amiable approach like a wizened merchant trying to bargain his terms with a hard-headed buyer. Marshal Pentecost should have realized what type of man I was.

I touched my chin as if deep in thoughts while my eyes absentmindedly gazed at the unimpressive ceiling.

After a few minutes, I looked at him with smiling eyes.

I could smell the crazy anticipation overflowing from him.

I opened my mouth. "Just organize a well-equipped lab for me. And a comfy space for me to sleep."

I finished with a playful smirk tugging my lips, "That's all."

He exhaled a deep sigh of relief after realizing that my demands weren't exaggerated and excessive.

"Well, that can be arranged. Man, I thought it would be something-"

"Excessive," I interrupted him.

"I am a simple man. Looks can be deceiving… marshal," I shook my head slightly before tapping his shoulder in a friendly gesture and then walked a little bit past him.

"I am all for humanity," I spoke after stopping.

"We will talk later, marshal. I suddenly feel tired after saving those two rangers." I feigned a yawn.

"Could you show me to… my room?" I didn't turn back to look at him.

"Gentleman, I think your request is reasonable," He said and I could hear his body shifting to face me.

"There is a soldier outside. He will show you the way."

"I look forward to working with you, Mr. Kal."

I nodded silently and excused myself.

Before I closed the door behind me, I took a whiff of the scent of blood in the air and the sound of something dropping on the floor.

'The smell of a terminal illness. Cancer. Radiation poisoning. Marshal, so this is the fragility that you are hiding from the world behind that strict facade.' I scoffed.

'How will he react when I tell him that I can cure cancer?' I shook my head before closing the door behind me.

And true to his words, an unremarkable soldier was waiting outside.

"Sir!" The soldier boy saluted with vigor after taking a peek at my face.

"Just take me to my room," I said blandly, unbothered by his formality.

And hence began the game of peek-a-boo, the little soldier boy just couldn't stop peeking at me every few minutes and he wasn't alone as every random stranger we passed also did the same.

I pretended that I didn't hear the small gossip, whistles, and fangirling.

"S-Sir, this will be your room." He stuttered while gesturing his hand toward a 7-foot old metallic door with a vault-like spinning wheel which was probably its knob.

"You can go now," I murmured and he bolted away in relief.

'How the hell was a sexy guy like me scary?' I felt at a loss for words.

I opened the door and entered my new room.

It wasn't bad and exactly good.

It was just… a simple room with a bedside table and all. Pretty identical to the one in the movie.

I took off the suit and stored it in the inventory and remained with black slacks and a pure white shirt on my body.

I then lifelessly dropped my body on the bed.

I silently looked at the ceiling while being thought-free.

"Isn't it time to roll the gacha?" After a long time of silence, I finally uttered some words.

Now I wondered how much my stats had grown or how many Resource Points I had earned over the past 7 years of messing around in the laboratory.

What was it going to be this time?

The fact still remained that I would only find out after clapping the cheeks of the goddess of luck.

And a shameless prayer ritual for the Weaver. I didn't dare think about clapping that one.

You simply don't clap Lovecraftian insane cheeks!

Or perhaps it was only possible when your madness has reached the realm of ABSOLUTENESS.
