Chapter 32: Some Truth [II]


"Numbers don't lie…"

-Hermann Gottlieb

Word Count 1253


[Kal's POV]

"You don't believe me, right?" I said while pacing slowly around the room.

"No one in their right mind would believe your bull crap," Marshal Pentecost replied seriously.

"Marshal, mind your language please," I stopped pacing around and looked at him with a smile.

"It sounds ridiculous, I know. Hell, it even sounds unbelievable to myself."

I then put my hand into one of my pockets and removed a round holo-tech gadget.

It looked like the Holo-viewer from Ben 10 omniverse.

It was a creation of mine that I had casually made in my lab.

Next, I placed it on the office's mahogany desk and a digital projection light appeared above it.

Under my mental command, it then formed into a holographic representation of some sort.

'Isn't what I am about to explain sort of what Hermann Gottlieb said?' I thought.

'Hmm, it doesn't matter since I know much more than them.' I knew all the future events but was the future going to remain stagnant without some tumultuous waves meandering it off its course?

I highly doubted such a thing. What I was about to do was in itself screwing up the timeline.

"Marshal, this is what I am talking about. I am gonna explain a little bit about the breach and the origins of the Kaiju and all," I started while drawing a simple holographic model that looked like an hourglass.

Marshal Pentecost nodded as he approached the desk to look more closely.

"This is our universe." I pointed at the top circular part of the hologram.

"And this inter-dimensional hollow tunnel is the Breach." I pointed at the Breach representation.

"And this point where the breach opens from is the home for these Precursors, the creators of the Kaijus." More like their Kaiju creation facility. Those guys have survived for so long after all.

"This is interesting. Carry on," Marshal Pentecost urged me to expound more on what I was talking about.

"This esophagus-like Breach is an unstable spatial passage and if someone tries to travel through it then… their coffins could as well be designed in advance."

"These chaotic spatial turbulences are a security mechanism by the Precursors to prevent humanity from snooping around their base. It becomes only stable when they are sending a Kaiju… up the tube," I explained while smiling. Only I knew what I was thinking currently.

"They incorporate the use of gravity suspension to send their cannon fodders up the Breach."

Marshal frowned and then frowned some more and raised his hand to interrupt my explanation.

"Wait? I get a little of the jargon that you are saying but what are cannon fodders?" He squinted his eyes at me.

"Oh," My mouth formed an 'O' shape.

'It seems the marshal is an attentive person, haha.'

"It's irrelevant, I mean cannon fodders are irrelevant characters that can be easily disposed of," I said nonchalantly.

"Only you can say something crazy like that," Marshal Pentecost sighed helplessly after hearing my words.

"Hypothetically speaking, if what you are saying is true, then how do we bypass the so-called security system since I don't see my rangers lined up and waiting for just a Kaiju to be sent 'up the tube'?" He then asked while his eyes intensely gazed at the bottom of the holographic image where the supposed home of the Precursors was.

"We just wait for a double event or triple event," I said while touching my chin.

"That is, if the Precursors decide to overwhelm us, humans with numbers, you should be thankful that they are only limited to three at best."

Marshal Pentecost sighed. The man looked stressed as hell.

He then went and sat himself on a chair with a contemplative look on his face.

"What do these Pre… Kaiju beings-"

"Precursors," I corrected him.

He rolled his eyes. "...these Precursors… what do they want with us… what do they want with Earth?"

"What do you think an alien civilization would want with a primitive universe with barely passable technology?" I didn't answer him and instead asked him a question of my own while taking the Holo-viewer into my pocket.

Marshal Pentecost remained silent to think for a moment.

I didn't wait for him.

"To make use of us as fuel for their own thriving and survival."

"What would you do if your home planet is dying and in order to save it, there are bound to be sacrifices to be made?"

"So our universe is the sacrifice for these… colonists." Marshal Pentecost muttered silently as understanding washed over his tired face.

"Pretty much." Fuck the predetermined events and go 'with the flow' mentality.

I was already speedrunning the timeline to move toward an unpredictable path.

"What do we do, no, what do I do, Dr. El? What should humanity do when facing these beings?" He then asked me while looking straight at my eyes.

"You already know the answer to that, marshal," I reminded him.

"We continue fighting. Resisting. We murder as many Kaijus as they send. The ultimate goal remains cutting off the connection they have with our universe," I said heroically with valiance radiating from eyes.


I patted his shoulder which was quite tense. "Try relaxing a little bit, marshal."

"It's bad for your health." I was just saying for the sake of saying. I simply had no concern for him except for myself.

I was no savior. I was a selfish human that could calmly look at someone dying even when I had the means to prevent it.

'The world is already chaotic as it is, bud. I don't plan on curing cancer anytime soon. God knows what those political figures will do just to have a piece of me.'

'This era needs more destructive weapons more than anything. And marshal, I will help humanity when it comes to weaponry. I will become the merchant of death.'

"By the way, is my lab ready?" I remembered what I had demanded of him earlier on.

I then dropped my hand off him.

He nodded. " Yeah, I have that sorted out."

"I am a man of my words, Doc."

"The information you have given me is so important even though it lacks authenticity but… I feel like I could trust you just a little bit."

I smirked. "You do you."

And we remained silent for a few moments before someone interrupted us with a loud knock on the door.

It was Tendo.

I could see him through the metallic door via my [Super Vision].

"Come in," Marshal Pentecost cleared his throat before commanding loudly.

The door opened and Tendo Choi availed himself.

He cast a brief look at me before setting his eyes at the marshal.

"Sir, the council-"

"I am coming," Marshal Pentecost cut him off as he already knew what Tendo was going to say.

He then rose from his seat and stretched his hand toward me. "Dr. Kal, It seems an 'urgent' issue has propped up and it needs my utmost attention."

I stretched my hand and gave him a firm handshake.

"I know."

"Okay. I will need to relay whatever you have said to me, to the council and see what they have to say," he said as we disengaged from the handshake.

"And Tendo, could you please show Dr. Kal to his new workstation?" He then directed his gaze to the new arrival.

"Roger that, sir," Tendo replied respectively as we both made our way out.
