Chapter 41: Double Event [III]


"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason."

-Benjamin Franklin

Word Count 1103


The night was pitch dark. The sun had already disappeared from the horizon. An unperceived symphony of silent dread played in the background as the chilly wind of the night blew over the city while carrying the message of the impending catastrophe. Despite all of that, the city of Hong Kong never stopped bustling with various activities. Its residents were happily moving about on the roads like any other normal day. There were cries of shop vendors, car horns, revving of engines… it just couldn't get any livelier. These people were undoubtedly unaware of imminent danger.

Off the radius of Hong Kong Shatterdome, a 120-meter-tall Jaeger stood majestically like a war god in the ocean. The ocean waters were barely reaching the full length of its legs. It was that ginormous. The Jaeger was Void Primus. Its one and only pilot being Kal El. She then took a step, then another one, and the ocean made way for her to seamlessly pass like some god.

Inside the Conn Pod, Kal El had a calm look on his face as his eyes followed the swimming pattern of the Category IV Kaiju codenamed: Otachi, over the holographic radar hovering in front of him. Otachi was swimming confidently and steadily as it headed toward the populated city with one mission in my mind - To destroy and annihilate everything. But it seems its journey wasn't going to be smooth as it had expected, more like the Precursors' expectations. Otachi's advance was being deterred by an inconsequential being - a Jaeger. And extremely tall one that the Hivemind system had ever registered.

"Sir, I really can't believe it. How can a Jaeger be that tall - taller than any Kaiju we have ever seen?" Back at Hong Kong Shatterdome's Control room, Tendo spoke in extreme surprise which mirrored the expressions of the surrounding personnel.

"That's how the 'Kal way' is supposed to be. What else did you expect?" Marshal Pentecost said casually while squinting his eyes at the three dots on the screen. The red ones represented the Kaijus while the yellow one represented the ineffable Void Primus, Kal's solo-piloted Jaeger.

"Kal way? Sir, I can't believe you already have a term to describe anything that Dr.El does." Tendo looked at Stacker Pentecost with a strange expression on his face.

"But can he really handle two Category IVs at once?" Mako jumped into the conversation with slight worry showing on her pretty face.

"Don't worry about that bastard. Isn't there anything that he can't do?" Jennie laughed lightly. She had no worries or any apprehension on her face. It was as if she looked uncaring at that moment but the confidence hidden in her eyes was something else entirely. If there was someone that she had huge confidence in, then it would be Kal El. And many of them in the room had the same, exact thought but they just didn't want to admit it openly.

Abby just interlocked her fingers on her mouth as if she was carrying out a prayer or something of the sort. Having experienced a Kaiju's brutality firsthand, she was bound to be totally wary of them.

"He's definitely gonna kick some ass. Let's believe in our Kaiju nerd." Jennie's words lightened the atmosphere.

"Tendo, send out an evacuation notice to the public. We have to prepare for unforeseen circumstances," Marshal Pentecost gave a command which the Lead technician started doing right away.

They then all watched silently as the showdown was about to begin!


"Holding the coastline while waiting for two Kaijus to attack at any moment. How easy can it get?" Kal said jokingly while keeping an eye out for the sneaky aliens.

He then provocatively ground his knuckles against each, his actions being similarly done by Void Primus which made sparks fly off haphazardly due to friction. This was something that Gipsy Avenger normally did before a fight.

"Let's dance, fuckers!"

Then it happened.

Otachi abruptly jumped from underwater, aiming to ambush him from a blindspot but Void Primus(Kal) seemed to have predicted its movements and dodged the airborne claw attack.

"Roarrr!" Otachi opened its maws and growled in anger at Void Primus. A blue glow could be seen coming from it.

It roared again in intimidation and swung its prehensile tail at Void Primus. The attack was quick and heavy as Otachi had transferred most of its weight onto it.

Void Primus lifted its leg and blocked it efficiently, and the passive ability of vibranium started demonstrating its prowess by absorbing some of that kinetic force. A purple glow started to uniformly distribute from the leg to the other parts of the Jaeger.

Void Primus didn't remain standing as she grabbed the troublesome tail, surprising Otachi altogether, and then violently spun it around like a merry-go-round, before throwing high in the air like dirt.

Otachi's weight of 2,960 tons didn't mean anything to Void Primus' 3500 tons. Its materials were super durable and conditioned to lift more than their intended weight.

Before it could even take a breather from the fall, Void Primus was already hot on its trail as it ran to gain momentum and then jumped in the air with its right fist clenched tightly and…


Void Primus punched its esophagus so hard and brutally, that its acid sac burst open and all of its corrosive liquid spilled into the ocean, coloring and sizzling the water blue.

"Grrrrr!" Otachi screamed in pain and distress as its jaws split widely. It immediately sent a distress signal to its friend, Leatherback, to enter the battle, or else it would die!

"Not a chance!" Kal coldly spoke from inside the Conn Pod and then brandished a plasma blade from the wrist of the right hand and with the other hand picked Otachi by the neck before shoving the energy weapon through its neck. It was bloody brutal as Void Primus perfectly decapitated its head cleanly like it was nothing, as jets of blue blood gushed like a fountain from its slowly-dying body. Void Primus didn't stop there and put the retractable Ion Blaster Cannon into action by aiming straight at its belly.

And then… BOOM!

A stream of centralized ion beams cleanly vaporized its belly region and killed off the unborn Kaiju offspring and its lower torso was disassembled into little chunks of meat!

"You are next!" Kal smiled coldly as Leatherback tried to sneak an attack from behind, only to miss.

"Hope you give me some fight, gorilla."
