He appears in front of her, shocking her as she suddenly jumps back away from him. Immediately as she lands her jump, a giant scythe appears in front of the two of them, cracking the ground.
"Take this you stupid fucks!" Raymond says as he holds out his hand and breaks the scythe by using earth magic and snapping it with two stones from each side. After the stones vanish back into the earth when he releases his magic there's a deep blue mist left behind that seems to infect the land, quickly spreading around as it turns the grass blue, and spreads fast. "Don't you fucking infect my land!" Raymond says harshly, shocking the girl as he snaps his fingers, instantly eliminating it by combining magic energy with nature energy, restoring it, purifying it without a trace. He looks up at the crack in the sky where the scythe came from. The girl looks up as well only to see an eye looking at the two of them through the crack. "Go Fuck Yourself!" Raymond says as he flips the creature the middle finger, forcefully shutting the crack with soul magic. The girl rushes up to him quickly and grabs his collar, shocking him a bit.
"Care to explain what the hell just happened?" The girl asks as she glares at him.
"Sure, but could you please let go of me first." Raymond asks softly as he stands there. She lets go of him and continues to glare at him.
"So?" She says urgently awaiting an explanation. Raymond dust himself off a little.
"So the fucking creature you just saw in the sky that attacked you with its scythe is known as an Extrum and they're disgusting bastards who feed off of people with high Life Essence. Even if someone survives an attack from them, they will probably be crippled for the rest of their life." Raymond says being rather harsh again.
"Shit!" The girl says as she starts filling with rage, the energy inside her body begins going crazy. Her body slowly begins ripping itself apart, surprising Raymond as it starts healing itself just as quickly. The process becomes faster and can no longer be seen, but small violet orbs of energy begin emitting from her body.
{Well now, can't say I've seen such a technique before, it seems rather dangerous, but I'll have to ask her how it works at some point, since it does seem to increase her physical strength to a rather terrifying degree.} Raymond thinks as he admires and looks on in confusion. She stomps her foot down, cracking the land as she shouts in a fit of rage as if it were her war cry.
"I WILL KILL YOU!" She shouts with full force as she points up at the sky.
{Well then, I don't know why, but she seems to have more hatred for those fucks than I do?} He ponders after hearing her full of so much rage.
{Those bastards will pay for ruining my life!} She thinks as she stands there for a few seconds then quickly calms herself down and calms the energy within her body. After two minutes she calms herself down and smiles. "Okay, sorry about that, I'm feeling better now." The girl says and smiles, then looks down. Raymond snaps his fingers and restores the land to its original shape.
"No worries, I take it you are a resident of my property?" Raymond asks after he looks around to make sure the land he restored looks the same as the rest of it.
"Your property?" The girl looks at him in confusion as she thinks about it for a second then recognizes him. {Wait a minute, he's in rags and isn't that the face of the one who was dead in the news, starting the…} She thinks for a few seconds and confirms that it is indeed him. "So I take it that means, you're my landlord Raymond?" She questions as she goes into deep thought and takes out her phone to look at the date.
"Yes, it's been quite a few years since I bought the property and put it on the market. Since I no longer have a home I was planning on taking it off the market then start living there since I didn't expect there to be a tenant." Raymond explains as he continues looking around getting the layout of the land since it's not too clear in the original memory that he inherited. "I take it you're rather new since I haven't seen any payments to the account that I put for tenants to pay." He says as he looks through more of the memories real quick.
{Huh, so it was today he was supposed to die, how interesting.} She thinks as she confirms the date on her phone then looks back up at him. "Yeah, my name's Vivian, I moved in about 26 days ago." Vivian says, confirming his suspicions. {Although I barely remember that since it was way longer than that until I was betrayed.} She remembers thinking back on what happened in her past.
"Well then, I may be a bit late, but welcome to Zuram Toran." Raymond says, smiling brightly as he finishes looking around. "Well then, the Extrum shouldn't be appearing again for quite a while, so we'll probably be fine for… about twenty three days." Raymond says after doing some math internally. {I almost said the time in my world so I quickly had to do the converse since this world has a different amount of seconds, minutes, hours and days.} He thinks as he sighs for a quick second.
"I see, so it won't be until next month then, that gives me enough time to prepare." Vivian says as she clenches her fist.
"That's true, but first I should probably get out of these rags." Raymond says as he gestures to himself still in rags despite them being clean.
"Do you even have clothes in Zuram Toran?" Vivian asks as she thinks about it for a few seconds.
"That's… a fair question, I should probably check that out." Raymond says in agreement after going through the memories, and finding nothing in the memories. Since it seems that apart from the building existing there doesn't seem to be anymore information on it, as if the original body's owner forgot about it completely. The two of them walk up to the main entrance.
"Do you even have an entrance key to your own property?" Vivian asks as she shows him her key.
"Nah, don't need it." He says with not much of a reaction as he holds out his hand to the door and unlocks the door with magic and enters the building.
"Well that's a bit of a cheat and a safety concern isn't it." Vivian remarks under her breath as she enters the place behind him. He heads to the room that would be designated his, unlocks it, and looks around for clothes. After about three minutes of looking around he sighs.
"Who has a full room with a bed, computer, posters, and a refrigerator, but no clothes?" Raymond questions himself as he exits the room. "Seems like I don't have any clothes." Raymond says as looks over at Vivian.
"Well, I figured that might be the case, so put on this sweatshirt and sweatpants and I'll take you to the store and we can buy something for you. Well, if you don't mind." Vivian says as she hands him cute floral print clothes.
"Not at all, the pattern fits my hair color, so I don't mind it." Raymond says without hesitation and grabs the clothes. "Although, why does it already have a hole for the tail?" He questions as he looks at them, then back up at her.
"I bought them on impulse because they looked cute so I didn't realize that they were for humans rather than Blebians." She says as she sighs and looks away slightly. "I only ever wore them at home when I couldn't be seen, so it's not like it really matters." She remarks and goes silent.
"Ah, that's fair, can't say I've never accidentally bought something without realizing what it was for." Raymond says with a soft smile as he heads back into his room and changes into the clothes. He looks over at himself in the mirror on the wall. "I can't imagine that this was cheap since the design seems rather hand made and not factory produced." He says as he looks at himself in the mirror with pride and curiosity. He exits the room and sees her sitting on the lounge room couch. He starts walking over to her and sees she hid the book she was reading. Although it didn't do anything since he saw that it was a book with a sexy man on the front of it. "So what brand did you buy these from?" Raymond says as he gestures toward the sweatshirt and pants, completely ignoring what he just saw.
"Are you planning to buy a pair for yourself or something?" Vivian joking remarks as she looks over at him.
"Yeah, it's rather comfy, so I figured that it wouldn't hurt to buy some from them myself." Ray says as he walks around the couch and looks at her.
"That's a fair point, I'll show you tomorrow probably then since it's getting rather late and most places close before half of the last quarter of the day." Vivian says.
{Right, since this world has 56 hours in a day they split it into four 14 hour sections for the day.} He thinks almost forgetting about that and not understanding what she just said. "I see, in that case we should probably get going for a quick pair of clothes." Raymond says as he looks outside and sees that the sun is almost setting.
"Ah, that's fair, the sun is almost setting so it's almost 44:57, I agree that we should probably get going." Vivian says as she gets up, and the two of them begin heading out. The two of them walk rather quietly the entire time ,not talking much even though it takes them about ten minutes and they're still in the middle of the forest. Vivian stops and looks over at Raymond, causing him to stop as well.
"Is something wrong?" Raymond questions as he looks back at her.
"Can you use magic to enhance your physical prowess?" Vivi asks as she remembers the magic he used earlier.
"I mean it's not too hard." Raymond remarks without a second thought. "I take it you want to start moving faster, then?" He gathers from her reaction.
"Yup, then in that case try and keep up!" Vivian says with a grin as green orbs start coming from her body, and she quickly starts running.
"Interesting, they're a different color than they were before." He says to himself as he smiles and encases his body in a thin layer of magic invisible to the naked eye. He quickly runs and spots Vivian. Raymond paces himself so that he will catch up to Vivian rather quickly following behind her. After about four minutes he manages to catch up to her, and eventually passes her.
"Well then!" Vivian says as the orbs around her turn a bright red causing her speed to increase dramatically and she quickly passes Raymond. Raymond increases his pacing a bit and catches back up to her, instead of passing her this time he steadily follows behind her. The two of them eventually arrive at the city outskirts and slow down their speed so as to not disturb the people around her.
{Interesting now her orbs turned back to green, I guess they change color depending on something she does in that weird technique she uses. Although she probably invented it herself since it has a unique flow.} Raymond thinks as he notices the colors over her orbs change as they slow down. A few minutes later they slow down to a normal speed because they've made it to a rather busy area of the city. Vivian stops as they arrive in front of the store. "Value General Store." Raymond reads and nods. "So I take it this is where I'll be getting my clothes from?" He questions as he looks inside and sees that there's all sorts of goods inside the store.
"Yes, it's not going to be the best quality, but it will be better than those rags you had before." Vivian explains as she looks over at him, fully content in the clothes he's wearing. The two of them head inside and begin looking around. After about twenty minutes Raymond goes to try on some of the clothes he and Vivian picked out. He looks at the clothes they picked out and since it was the end of the day he puts on the floral pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt that she chose since he liked the design. He exits the changing room and walks over to Vivian as he hands her the clothes he borrowed, folded neatly so she could carry them. "I see, thank you." She says as the two of them head to the register and head on their way out. One of the other customers notices Vivian as she walks out the door. She decides to peek her head out to see who she's walking with and suddenly sees them sprint away full force, heading back to Zuram Toran.
"Well now, I never expected to see Vivian out this late at night. I'll have to ask her who she was with the next time I see her." {Although I can't really say she's the only one keeping secrets. The Customer says then thinks as she smiles and looks inside at the one she's shopping with. She heads back inside. "Well then Trevor, do you think Vivian got a boyfriend?" She asks as she walks back inside the store.
"Well Tinalu, speaking about what you've told me about her, I highly doubt that's the case." Trevor says with a bit of sass despite not reacting much.
"Well now, someones a bit sassy tonight aren't they?" Tinalu remarks and chuckles a little with a soft smile on her face.
"Also, didn't you say that it's been about 60 days since you last spoke to her?" Trevor questions as he picks out a snack for the night.
"Well yeah, but I've known her since she was 4, so about 20 years now." Tinalu says as she thinks about it. "So I'll probably hear from her soon, and if not I'll contact her in two days." She says with an adorable smile. Trevor pats Tinalu's head and smiles.
"That smile is one of the many reasons I fell for you." Trevor says without hesitation, then walks over to the register leaving Tinalu behind looking red.
{To think that he can do such things with a serious face.} She thinks as she stands there in embarrassment.