
Dai Mubai nodded once, his expression immediately becoming serious, saying to the others:

"Star Dou Great Forest can't be a place for noisily playing around, there are numerous spirit beasts inside, and also extremely aggressive, towards us humans they don't have any good impression. Everyone certainly must be careful, all right."

"Tang San, you go first, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, you two follow behind Tang San, Fatty, Xiao Wu, you two are on the left and right sides. Hansen and Zhu Zhuqing are in the back. I will be in center to support any side that needs my help.After entering the forest, we must even more maintain good order like this, staying alert at all times. Everyone set out."

Hansen was surprised by Dai Mubai's arrangements. He felt that Dai Mubai would try to play tricks on him. It seems that he still knows the danger of Star dou forest well.

Zhao Wuji was only an indifferent bystander to the side, without joining their formation, walking out from the Academy together with the seven students. Here of course was not any carriage, once out of the Academy, everyone set off at a run.

Not long after starting running, the students began to comprehend the importance of dean Flender's second class.

Thanks to having yesterday's experience and Flender's criticism, everyone regarding Oscar's sausage were already no longer so repelled.

Running continuously, even if it was the strongest Dai Mubai and Tang San, their physical strength was continuously depleted.

But supplied with Oscar's sausage, they astonished discover, the strain from this bit of running basically could not be considered anything.

Star Dou Great Forest was located southeast of Balak Kingdom, sharing a very short border with Balak Kingdom, but Suotuo City itself was also in the southeast of the Kingdom, not far from Star Dou Great Forest, less than five hundred kilometres.

Therefore, this was naturally the optimal choice for Shrek Academy students to obtain spirit rings.

On the way, the cliche face slapping incident against the Blue Sunshine Academy took place. But Hansen and Zhuqing both refrained from participating in it..

Listening to the quote of Flander that soul masters who don't cause trouble are not good soul masters. Hansen knows that it's just an excuse to justify their villainous acts. In fact in this incident the ones at falt were clearly the Shrek people.

It just shows one thing that power is king.

After Zhao Wuji finally settled the problem, he looked at Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Hansen.

"Just now why did you not use your spirits to assist everyone?"

Ning Rongrong's big eyes blinked, saying:

"That was not the right time. Without people knowing I was a Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School disciple, if I unleashed my spirit at a key moment, the effect could be even better. Even more of an unexpected nature."

The others all turned to Ning Rongrong with unconvinced gazes.

Meanwhile Hansen simply said something to pervericate.

"I just felt that even if I helped it wouldn't have much of an effect. "

Seeing this Zhao Wuji taught everyone a low voice saying:

"You must remember, ever since you seven entered Shrek Academy, you are one entity. You are all the Academy's little monsters, when later going out, you can also be called Shrek Eight Devils. You must mutually assist each other. With your gifts, if you also have good coordination, defeating Spirit Masters more powerful than you still won't be any difficult matter."

"Yes, teacher Zhao."

No words for the night.

Leaving the little town, everyone accelerated forwards, the distance from here to Star Dou Great Forest was already very close, and everyone hurried on at full strength.

Most excited naturally was Oscar on the verge of obtaining his third spirit ring . In fact Hansen was also not less excited but he chose to hide it.

Eventually, they came before Star Dou Great Forest, tall trees exceeding at least twenty metres, and this was still only the outermost parts.

The dense forest was basically without paths, shadowed heavily by trees, unable to see the true scene within.

Arriving before the forest, the air became even more relaxing, seemingly like the temperature dropped a bit. The fresh and cool feeling continuously bringing a moist earth fragrance to stimulate everyone's sense of smell.

"Everyone stop."

Zhao Wuji spoke up.

Everyone halted their steps, the hundred li journey had already heated up their bodies.

After resting and eating a sausage each everyone finally entered the forest.

After just half a day, everyone suddenly felt rustling sounds from one direction .

The rustling sounds went from small to large, even if it was the Auxiliary Spirit Masters Oscar and Ning Rongrong both could clearly sense that creature approaching at a very high speed.

Soon it came into everyone's view. Seeing it Tang San immediately spoke.

"This is a thousand year Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent: pale red wings are the symbol of its thousand year evolution, going by its height, six to eight metres, it should have cultivated between one thousand three hundred years to one thousand eight hundred years. Oscar, just suitable for you."

Oscar's pair of peach blossom eyes immediately shone up.

Soon the serpent was caught by Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji pulled out a short blade from his belt and handed it to Oscar,

"Thrust in under this point from under its comb to pierce its brain at once, and this spirit ring will be yours."

When Oscar was about to thrust in the knife, suddenly, a hoarse strict shout abruptly echoed,


Immediately following, two people leapt out from the direction the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent had come flying, appearing before everyone.

These two people were one old and one young, both women.

Everyone looked at the elder one.

Right hand holding a snake head walking stick three metres long, six spirit rings moving rhythmically up and down her body.

While her body did not show any changes, the spirit rings showed she already used her spirit, without need to ask, the walking stick in her hand should be her spirit.