External soul bone -Eight spider lances

Ning Rongrong at Oscar's side sobered from her half conscious condition, startled saying:

"Little Ao, what are you doing?"

Ning Rongrong's voice immediately aroused the others attention, Zhao Wuji was also an intelligent person, and his immediate realization was anything but reassuring.

Unfortunately, they were still one step too late.

Tang San became the first person to eat a mushroom sausage, six illusory wings swiftly appeared at his back, and in the split second Zhao Wuji pounced, he brought his body to rise into the air.

"I'm sorry, teacher Zhao. I have to find Xiao Wu, even if she is already dead I still must retrieve her body."

By now, everyone at last saw Tang San's blood red eyes. Naturally they understood the extreme grief in his heart.

Immediately Tang San left there.

At almost the same time, another person also rose into the sky and before anyone could stop him, he also rushed in Tang San's direction.

This person was naturally Hansen. He already knew what was going to happen thus Hansen had already asked for one of Oscar's sausage in advance secretly.

. ....

Although Tang San had Oscar's mushroom sausage's flying effect and was able to rely on the Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent's flying speed, compared to this Titan Giant Ape he was still too slow. Furthermore, the Titan Giant Ape didn't at all advance in a single direction. Tang San basically would not have a chance of catching up.

Hansen who was tailing behind Tang San always kept a certain distance. He didn't want to create any variables before getting the soul bones.

Soon their wings started to become illusory. Oscar's flying mushroom sausage only allowed for one minute of flight. Thus Tang San in front landed first while Hansen simply used a PROTEGO to stand in air.

After all there was a deadly human faced spider lying in ambush in this area below. That's why Hansen simply followed Tang San from air.

On the other hand, even though he couldn't fly further, Tang San still wouldn't give up, he staked it all on one direction and advanced at full strength, hoping to be able to find Xiao Wu. But he soon ran out of soul power.

Taking a look at the terrain of the surroundings, Tang San sat down leaning against the big tree, he knew that if he wanted to continue searching for Xiao Wu, he first had to recover his strength a bit.

Suddenly, a burst of unusual sound attracted Tang San's attention.

A rustling sound as if from a person changing clothes, also like tree leaves rustling. Suddenly alerted, Tang San slowly stood up, cautiously looking in the direction of the sound.

Appearing before Tang San was a spider, a monstrously big spider with the diameter of its bulk exceeding one metre fifty, eight spear-like legs exceeding three metres. Entirely covered by a glossy black carapace, the tip of the long legs were slender, and from each step forward noiselessly thrusting into the ground, it could clearly be seen how sharp they were.

As Tang San discovered it, it seemed to also discover Tang San, the eight long legs moving rhythmically at great speed, even leaving behind a string of mirages, in an eyeblink it already arrived before Tang San. The two forelegs lifted in a flash, directly stinging towards Tang San's head.

Raising the forelegs, it unavoidably also drove its body to rise above, just enough to let Tang San see its abdomen. This glance, let Tang San recognize its kind.

It was known as the Man Faced Demon Spider. Among spirit beasts, it was categorized as a terrifying existence.

Generally speaking, on seeing prey its first action would be to spit its web. But, right now it was relying on its long legs to attack. In addition to the injuries on its abdomen, this let Tang San think of a possibility: this Man Faced Demon Spider had already used up its spider web for today.

Next it was simply Tang San fighting the Man Faced Spider. He used almost all his means from Blue silver grass to hidden weapons and even the Haotian hammer martial soul.

All along, Hansen behaved like a spectator.

"I must admit that this Tang San does have a few brushes. "

Immediately after that, Hansen saw that the spider was fatally injured and was almost on its last legs.

"I guess vits finally time to act. "

"Sectemsempra "

Next Hansen used his hole card second soul ability. An invisible slash was thrown at the spider which cut through its hard carapace like a knife on butter. Without any resistance at all the man faced demon spider was directly split into two and a purple soul ring rose from it.

Tang San on the side looked at it dazedly. After all that struggle his kill was stolen. Tang San even had the urge to go berserk.

But after looking at the cleanly cut spider, Tang San sobered up.

"This level of attack! It's very likely the work of a Soul King at the least. Its not good to encounter him in my current state..... Damn it. "

Next Tang San looked at the purple soul ring one last time and escaped.

After confirming this, Hansen finally got down on the ground.

Hansen first looked at the soul ring regretfully.

" Unfortunately I'm still at level 25 . "

After that Hansen searched the corpse of the man faced spider and finally found a pair of shining spider legs.

"Uffff.... At last, I got the eight spider lances. "

"I should better absorb these here first. After all sometimes it's difficult to predict human nature. "

Subsequently, Hansen used Protego to create about 6 or 7 layers of round transparent shields around him. Next Hansen sat in the middle and brought the spider lances closer to his exposed back. Soon they started merging with him and a cocoon appeared to envelop him in it.


After few minutes, Meng Yiran and her grandmother arrived here.

Looking at the spider corpse and that familiar shield surrounding someone in the middle, Meng Yiran simply felt like being stunned by lightning.

"Grandma! It's him again. I..... I... Woo..... Wooo... Sob... "

Finally Meng Yiran couldn't control her tears and started crying.