Leaving Shrek

After everyone returned back to Shrek Academy , Zhao Wuji asked everyone to go to rest in the dormitory, while he himself went to Flander's officer to tell him about this trip.

In the dean's office.

Flender, full of astonishment, finished listening to Zhao Wuji's description of the journey this time. His expression changed multiple times, and after finally hearing everyone returned safely, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Looks like we were still too careless."

Flender sighed and felt a wave of lingering fear.

"Next time they go hunt for spirit beasts for Tang San , I will lead the team with you, with two other teachers. These kids are all favored by fate, if they have any accidents, that's equal to ruining geniuses."

Zhao Wuji sat in a seat on the side. He was even more afraid that any accidents would happen. He laughed bitterly:

"This can't be blamed on you. Who would know that Star Dou Great Forest would become this weird, with this many things happening in the outer edges. They even met the Unrivalled Dragon Serpent couple. The thing I understand the least is the appearance of the Titan Giant Ape. However you look at it, with his ranking within spirit beasts, he wouldn't lightly come to the outer edges. Good thing Xiao Wu's fortune is good, or else this time we really would have big losses. Frankly, even if we did what you said and sent four teachers to protect these kids, if we met the Titan Giant Ape we still would have been destroyed."

Flender nodded.

"But Star Dou Great Forest is the nearest spirit beast habitat. Other than that we have no other choice. But from your explanation, the Titan Giant Ape seemed unhostile and didn't kill everyone. Or else, even if you used your Spirit Avatar you wouldn't have been able to block it. Xiao Wu surviving is even more surprising. What is the cow roar she talked about? Don't tell me that in the Star Dou Great Forest, there is some spirit beast that can raise a response from the Titan Giant Ape?"

"The cow roar was probably from the Skyblue Bull Python ."

A stiff and slightly strange voice came from outside the door. Zhao Wuji was startled. He had already heard the sound of approaching footsteps, but he didn't really care about it. He only thought it was a teacher of the Academy. Now that he heard the voice, he felt something was wrong. No one in the Academy sounded like that.

"Haha, a familiar person came. Xiao Gang, quickly come in."

The door opened and a middle aged man walked in from outside. A stiff face, a perfectly straight back, a first impression of lifeless eyes, but in fact deep in the dark pupils expressing some anxiety. If Tang San were here, he would have recognized the person on first sight, Yu Xiaogang.


On the other side

Hansen was lying on the bed with Zhu Zhuqing in his arms . He was busy right now in comforting Zhuqing for taking risk that day in the Star Dou forest.

"Zhuqing, listen to me. It was necessary for me to go after Tang San that day. "

"Oh! And would you mind justifying yourself? "

Zhu Zhuqing said snorting.

"Alright then after we go outside the Academy this sunday I will show you the reason why I took the risk that day . And believe me, even you will be surprised and happy that I did what I did! "

Hansen was already planning on doing so. It didn't really matter to him.

"On another note Zhuqing, I think it's about time we leave this broken academy."

"Uhh... But didn't you say before that it was good for us at this stage? But now after just 2 weeks you have changed your mind? "

Zhuqing asked while feeling confused.

" Well I did say that before. But now I have already gotten what I wanted from coming here so I think it would be better for us to leave now and look for a better Academy where we can give a full play to our talents. "

Hansen replied vaguely.

Although she still didn't completely understand but it didn't matter . Zhuqing simply noded her head and continued burying her head in Hansen's chest.

Hansen had already prepared an excuse for others long before joining Shrek Academy. Next Hansen and Zhu Zhuqing left the academy early in the morning even before sunrise.


Next morning

Training ground

Currently Flander was standing on the stage along with Yu Xiaogang in order to introduce him to all the students.

At this time Dai Mubai came running over from distance while shouting.

"Dean! Dean! "

" Alright Mubai, calm down first and then explain the problem. "

Flander reprimanded Dai Mubai.

" Dean , Zhuqing and Hansen.... They... They left the academy. "

Dai Mubai said panting.

"What nonsense are you saying ? Explain clearly, exactly what happened? "

Flander was also a bit flustered at this time.

" Dean, it's like this, when I was passing by their room this morning, I found this note hanging on the door. "

After that he passed on the note to Flander.