Visiting the Sunset Forest once again

Hey guys! It's your dear author here.

Now I would like to happily tell you that I have started a new novel , which is participating in WSA. So I hope you guys can support me.

Read my novel " Detective Max 007 " .

At the very least, pay it a visit and give it a try.


" You mean you can get a bunch of loyal and powerful followers with just a simple mark? And you are telling me that this is a self made soul skill, not some hundred thousand years old soul ring ability? "

Zhu Zhuqing was shocked beyond words. Although Hansen's previous soul skills were also very powerful but this time it was something else entirely.

" Yeah , this is indeed my self made soul skill. "

Hansen insisted. Naturally he couldn't tell her that he has a system which makes him overpowered as hell.

Subsequently Zhu Zhuqing asked about it a few more times and asked with curiosity.

" Can I also get one for myself ? "

Zhu Zhuqing asked.

On the other hand , Hansen had been thinking about it carefully for some time. That's why he still hadn't told her anything about it till yet. First of all he couldn't give her the hundred percent loyalty version of dark mark , so that was out of the question. As for the other one without loyalty, it was possible but Hansen had another concern.

If everything went according to his plan then his organization will definitely be regarded as the enemy of the whole world. After all Hansen was planning to recruit the criminals in the Slaughter City. And he didn't want to involve Zhu Zhuqing in any kind of danger before he was powerful enough to walk sideways on the Douluo Continent without any fear. But the benefits given by dark mark are also very good.

Thus after thinking about it over the time, Hansen has made up his mind. He has thought of a counter measure to this situation with another spell of his.

" Alright then. I'll give you a dark mark too. But it would be better if you keep it hidden to avoid some troubles. "

Hansen said.

"Hmm, don't worry about it."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded excitedly.

Subsequently Hansen swung his wand following which a multicolored light came out of the tip of his wand and enveloped Zhu Zhuqing in it. After that all of it was concentrated on her left arm and a strange tattoo appeared there.

At the moment the tattoo appeared on Zhu Zhuqing's arm Hansen felt a mental connection with her just like he had with Tai Long before. Hansen also felt that he can lend one of his soul ring abilities to her.

Hansen thought about it carefully. After her martial soul evolved, Zhu Zhuqing's attack power and speed are already top notch among her peers. Currently her only weakness is her defense . So logically Protego should be the best spell for her. But still Hansen decided to choose ' Apparition ' over protego . Because for him Zhu Zhuqing's safety is the priority.

Meanwhile Zhu Zhuqing also felt the mental connection she had with Hansen and the new ability to teleport.

" Wow it's so cool. I love you Hansen. "

Zhu Zhuqing hugged Hansen in happiness and kissed him deeply.

After some time both of them started feeling sleepy. Besides Liu Erlong was going to take Hansen for hunting down his fourth soul ring. Naturally tomorrow's day was going to be pretty tiring for him too. Thus Hansen decided to rest early. Subsequently Hansen and Zhu Zhuqing slept in the bed peacefully while hugging each other .

The next morning.

After getting ready Hansen bid farewell to Zhu Zhuqing and headed to the gate of the academy. By the time he got there Liu Erlong was already waiting for him donned in a combat clothes.

" Well boy, you have some courage to be late on the very first day ? "

Liu Erlong asked in a domineering manner with both her hands supporting her ample bossom.

Hansen felt amused in his heart. He knew that although she was violent at some times but to those close to her she was very gentle and caring. However he didn't show it on his face and replied seriously.

" I'm sorry dean, it's my fault . I'm ready to accept any punishment. "

Hansen said while bowing his head.

Seeing this Liu Erlong's facial expressions softened a bit .

" Alright. Since this is your first day and with you already acknowledging your mistake, I will forgive you this time. But don't take it as an example. "

" Hmmm. "

After Liu Erlong warned Hansen to take care of a few things in the forest, they departed from the academy. By the time it was noon Hansen and Liu Erlong were already standing in the outskirts of the Sunset Forest .

" So what type of soul beast are you looking for? "

Liu Erlong asked Hansen . Since it was the first time she had seen a martial soul as unique as his, she had no idea about its cultivation direction at all. Thus she decided to let Hansen follow his own route.

" Well dean, till now I have been mostly using blue silver grass as my soul ring. But I can also try some other soul beast as long as it is suitable for me. "

Hearing this Liu Erlong was shocked at first but then sighed. Hansen's martial soul was indeed an oddity. It wasn't right to judge it by common sense.

As for Hansen, he decided to try another soul beast this time since the reason he used to choose Blue Siver Grass before was of it's gentle soul power, helping him to absorb higher age of soul ring. But now that he has tempered

his body in the Ice and Fire Well along with soul bones and immortal herbs , there is no need to stick to the blue silver grass anymore.

Besides the only Blue Silver grass above ten thousand years he knows of is the Blue Silver King that became Tang San's soul ring in the original book. Although it was also in his must obtain list along with Ah Yin's leg soul bone , but currently Hansen had no idea where it was so it can only wait till then.

During the next few days in the Sunset forest , Liu Erlong taught Hansen about different soul beasts and some other theoretical knowledge. She was a dean of the Advance Soul Master academy herself anyway .

Just like that three days passed when they suddenly heard a screeching sound coming from the distance.

" This sound ? Is it? "

Liu Erlong had a guess in her mind and ran in that direction with Hansen following behind her.