
"So what is your martial soul, son? "

Yu Xiaogang, the self proclaimed grandmaster, asked as he looked at Man Chu .

"You're..... "

Man Chu showed doubt.

"You don't need to worry about him. He is one of my friends, the famous grandmaster. He is also one of the guest teachers of our academy. "

Flender hurriedly explained seeing the uncomfortable look on Yu Xiaogang's face from the side. He still knew how much this old friend of his loved his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry teacher. Well, mine is actually a mutant martial soul. It's name is Upchuck. "

Man Chu said with a smile.

"Upchuck? That doesn't sound very majestic. "

Ma Hongjun commented from the side.

"Hongjun, shut up. Don't mind him Man Chu. "

Flender said while berating Ma Hongjun who shrunk back like a sparrow.

"Tell us some more. "

Yu Xiaogang continued to ask.

"Basically, I can eat anything and use it as fuel to attack back at the enemy. "

Man Chu roughly explained.

Since they were still at the city gate, it wasn't possible to display the martial soul here.

"Then doesn't it mean that you can even eat the enemy's soul skill and attack them with their own move? "

Tang San quickly analysed Man Chu's words and exclaimed in shock.

Hearing this, Man Chu also didn't object either which was considered as an approval by everyone.

"Haha, good, good. It's our Shrek academy's good fortune. Now let's talk further as we walk. "

Flender became even happier after hearing this and urged everyone to enter the city gate.

After meeting Man Chu, everyone's mood became much better. Tang San , Oscar and Ma Hongjun looked at the luxurious buildings and bustling crowds of the city curiously. After all, it was the first time for them to visit such a prosperous place.

"So Man Chu, since you're already a soul king, how come you have not joined any soul master academy yet? "

Although Flender agreed to accept him , he still asked Man Chu what everyone wanted to ask from the beginning as they walked.

"It's because of my grandfather. You see dean, my parents passed away when I was just a child. Thus I have been living with my grandfather since childhood. He was also a soul king and since he didn't want to seperate from me in his last time, he decided to train me himself. But just five months ago,unfortunately, he passed away. "

Man Chu explained sadly as this time, he really wasn't lying.

" It's alright, Man Chu. From now on you are a member of our Shrek academy. You're not alone anymore. "

Flender said with a smile.

After that Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Zhao Wuji and other people also comforted him a little before everyone decided to head for the Blue Tyrant academy.

Meanwhile Yu Xiaogang kept looking at Man Chu from the corner of his eyes the whole time with a greedy look. The moment he found out about Man Chu's talent, Yu Xiaogang once again had the urge to show off and accept a disciple. But he forcefully suppressed this urge since it was not the right moment yet. He decided to wait until the matter of the academy can be settled.

With Qin Ming to guide them, there was no need to ask directions. Passing through streets and winding alleys, they very quickly reached their destination.

Heaven Dou City was extremely bustling, the streets were all paved with blue bricks, every street was as wide as Suotuo City's main thoroughfare, and the scale of the city could only be described as grand.

Blue Tyrant Academy's gate house was surprisingly more or less the same as Heaven Dou City's city gate. Although a lot thinner, that gate entrance was indeed ten meters tall. Although the gate house was in beautifully carved white marble, it was still very imposing, on top of the gate house were six words in gold letters: Blue Tyrant Advanced Spirit Master Academy.

Just as they reached the Blue Tyrant Academy's gate, Qin Ming immediately found a place for receiving visitors to the side. Above was written 'recruitment office'.

"Are you all here to enroll at the Academy?"

The person in charge of receiving visitors, was a more than forty years old middle aged Soul Master. His question was mainly aimed at the Shrek Seven Devils (including Man Chu) , after all, these children were the only teenagers in the group.

"No, the ones here to enlist are us, these children are our disciples. If we can successfully accept the job offer here, our disciples would also wish to study at the Academy."

Flender answered .

"Enrolling students still have to pass the examination anyway. I suggest, all Soul Masters first take our test. If you are able to become Academy teachers, I think, it will also be possible to accommodate your disciples. After all, right now is still the new student enrollment period . But i have to say, considering their age, they do look talented."

The teacher said with a smile.

Generally speaking, at an advanced Spirit Master academy, even if they were outstanding Spirit Masters, new students were generally sixteen to eighteen years old. More commonly twenty. Tang San's group didn't even seem to be eighteen.Seeing them, the teacher remembered Hansen and Zhu Zhuqing who also came a few months ago.

"A test is no problem. Where is it?"

The admittance teacher had already been here for several days, but the number of Spirit Masters coming to sign up was very small. After all, Spirit Master academies' treatment of teachers couldn't compare to that given by great clans. That was the best path for high level Spirit Masters. And with seven prospective teachers coming at once, how could he be indifferent. The teacher hurriedly said:

"I'll bring you to take the test."

Walking into the Blue Tyrant Academy, the feeling it gave had no few differences with Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, although this place didn't have the beautiful mountain scenery of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, everything gave people the feeling of calmness.


Meanwhile, in the forest situated behind the academy, Liu Erlong was sitting in her hut, sipping her tea leisurely.

And behind her stood Hansen who was currently massaging her shoulders.

" How does it feel Dean Erlong? "

Hansen asked with a smile.

"Hmmm, not bad. I didn't expect you have this talent too. "

Liu Erlong said while enjoying the massage.

" As a matter of fact dean, I have another surprise for you. But you have to promise me that you won't act rashly abd do as I say. "

Hansen said mysteriously while leaning close to her ear.


Liu Erlong felt the hot breath on her ears , coupled with Hansen's hand massaging her shoulders and inexplicably felt a little uneasy , but she didn't dislike it either.

" So, want to know what the surprise is? "

Hansen asked again.

"Brat, don't play all mysterious with me and say it already. "

Liu Erlong said uncomfortably.

" But you have to promise me first. "

Hansen insisted.

"Alright, I promise you. "

Liu Erlong sighed.

"You know dean, after I found out about your past with the grandmaster Yu Xiaogang, I searched for him on my own. I wanted to solve the contradiction between you guys. "

Hansen said.

"What? You..... "

Liu Erlong immediately became angry but Hansen continued before she could react.

"And guess what, I found that he is in Heaven Dou city at the moment too. "

Hansen finished saying.

"Xiaogang.... you're here! "

Meanwhile as soon as she heard this, Liu Erlong became emotional too and stood up from her seat to look at Hansen.

"Hansen, tell me where Xiaogang is. "

Liu Erlong said seriously.

"I will definitely tell you. But remember your promise. "

Hansen said.

"But why not now? "

Liu Erlong asked with a little anger.

"Think about it dean, if you rush to meet him now, will he change his attitude towards you? "

Hansen asked Erlong.

In fact, he knew for certain that when Yu Xiaogang finds out that Liu Erlong is the owner of the Blue Tyrant academy, he will definitely change his attitude to get what he wants. Anyway, Liu Erlong didn't know it, so it was fine to fool her.

"Thus, I have a plan. We'll visit him later tonight secretly . Then I will confront him before you to find out his true feelings and you can come out later to meet him? "

Hansen tried to convince Liu Erlong.

"Alright, do what you want."

After thinking for a moment calmly, Liu Erlong finally accepted Hansen's plan.


On the other hand, just when the teacher was leading everyone to meet Liu Erlong, someone came to stop him.

" Wait a second teacher. Dean just asked me to inform you that she is a little I'll today. So you can have the guests stay at the guest house. She will meet them tomorrow morning. "

Tai Long said hurriedly.

"Is that so, alright I understand. "

The teacher nodded and looked at Flender and the others apologetically.

"It's not a problem. We can wait till morning. "

Flender felt awkward but still said with a smile.


Shoutout to my new Patreons.

•danilo ribeiro

•William Pennington

•newerv inter