Rich boy

Although Emily left, the smirk didn't disappear from Ian's face. He was really asking to be punched, and there was no better moment to punch someone, after all. However, Ethan wouldn't fall for such an obvious taunt.

"What?" Ethan asked.

"Hehehe, so you are aiming for Emily, huh," Ian said. "Most of the warriors that I know aim for the more experienced woman who has big assets, but I guess you aren't at that level."

"… No wonder you are so unpopular," Ethan sighed. "I assume we can go now to see your little sister."

  Ethan couldn't really say that since he was guilty of the same crime a few hours ago, he just complimented Lili, saying that she had a great body. Regardless, there was something that Ian didn't have to hear.

"Yeah," Ian said. "Let's go."