
 As expected, Emily was really studying hard at school. Even though she didn't have to, she took notes of all topics in all the courses she attends to. While the teacher was teaching, Ethan learned much more just by reading her notes.

"Since Thursday is going to be the most boring day, I should make the most of my time."

 Thursdays were going to be boring because the only classes Ethan would have on that day were the theoretical ones. Fortunately, they happened one after the other. So, after 10:00 AM, Ethan will have all the rest of the day to do whatever he wants.

"Now that I think about it," Ethan said. "You just have to pass the tests of the physical lessons, right? Do you have to keep attending this kind of course?"

"No, but since I already started, I will finish," Emily replied. "If my calculations are correct, in one week, I will have enough stamina to pass the tests on the courses that I have problems with, so it is fine."