New Path

  In the end, Ethan spent the rest of the day thinking about what he should do to develop his second fighting style. However, he was only thinking about the basics and what he should train specifically because he already knew the perfect place to train: the school. Although a teacher would come in handy, and there are some classes of unarmed combat, Ethan would rather learn by fighting.

  Evelyn only returned when the sun was already setting alongside William. Although they were surprised and happy since Ethan always returned home at dinnertime. They scolded him for skipping school.

"Ethan, I don't know why you are working or if you need money for something," William crossed his arms and then closed his eyes. "But you shouldn't skip school again. I know it is annoying to hear this, but you are at a point in your life you won't be able to experiment for much longer. You will miss certain opportunities if you try to grow up too fast."