You think?

Ethan nodded, his eyes scanning the scene before him. The once tumultuous battlefield now exuded an undeniable sense of relief and ease. The news had spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of the war-torn land - the enemies that had plagued their world for countless days, causing chaos and wreaking havoc, had finally surrendered. The battle that had consumed their daily lives was over, and a collective sigh of relief resonated through the air.

Yet, amidst the devastation, signs of hope began to blossom. The students, once burdened with fear and anxiety, now wore smiles of genuine happiness and relief. Their weary faces transformed, reflecting the newfound peace that enveloped their lives. 

The constant disruptions, the tension that had hung heavy in the air, and the fear that had gripped everyone's hearts were slowly dissipating. It was a welcome respite, a chance for the students to reclaim their sense of security and normalcy.