
In any case, several hours passed, and Ethan didn't find any source of information. Some people were asking about that in some forums. Still, apparently, not everyone felt the earthquake and noticed something aside from it. That being said, only such a setback wasn't going to stop him, Ethan knew better than that.

Still, on the morning of the next day, everyone at school was talking about that. One didn't have to be a genius to connect the dots and realize that the weird feeling truly had been caused by mana.

"Do you think that the earthquake and Ian's disappearance are connected?" Emily asked when she found Ethan in the classroom. "I think that they are."

"Who knows? Assuming anything now when there is so little information is a waste of time," Ethan shrugged. "No dungeon appeared, but it could be the actions of those three guys or those guys that tried to attack me while we were on those missions."