
And then, as if materializing from the wintry mists, the spirit of ice appeared before them. It took the form of a majestic figure, tall and slender, adorned in shimmering ice-blue garments that billowed like frozen wisps in the breeze. Its hair was a cascade of glistening icicles, and its eyes gleamed with a glacial brilliance, reflecting the depths of the frozen world.

With graceful movements, the spirit of ice floated ahead of the group, its presence exuding a serene power. As it glided effortlessly over the surface of the ocean, the water beneath its touch turned to a glistening sheet of ice, extending in a straight line along their path. The frozen pathway provided a stable and secure footing, allowing the group to traverse the otherwise treacherous terrain with ease.

Dante had a hard time keeping his feet from slipping in, but once he copied Ethan, who was sliding with perfection.