Here we go again

As he observed the young girl, he noticed her petite stature and delicate frame. Her short, chestnut-brown hair framed her face, falling in gentle waves. Her large, expressive eyes held a hint of both innocence and trepidation, darting around the room before settling on Ethan. It was evident that she was overwhelmed by the situation, flinching slightly when their eyes met.

"... Who the hell was the genius that assumed that it was a good idea to choose a brat like her to become a summoned hero at a time like this?" Ethan thought.

"It is all right, Mary," Hannah said. "Everyone here is a friend that is going to help you. No need to worry. The most dangerous person here is my little brother, and the only thing that he might do is to make you feel like you are losing brain cells thanks to his nonsense."

Ethan wanted to deny that, but he couldn't. He truly believed that his nonsense could make people more stupid.