Ice Age

Ethan found himself torn between two competing ideas, both vying for his attention and consideration. On the one hand, he had an idea that held great potential, something that could potentially change the tide of their battles and provide his allies with a significant advantage. On the other hand, he was aware that pursuing this idea would require him to leave his allies alone for a period of time, which could leave them vulnerable and unsupported.

The notion of leaving his comrades behind was not an easy one for Ethan to grapple with. He valued their trust and camaraderie, and the thought of abandoning them in their time of need weighed heavily on his conscience. He understood the risks involved in venturing off on his own, potentially leaving his allies exposed to danger and uncertainty.

"Ethan, we are going to fight all out," Dante added. "Holding back isn't an option."

"Fine by me," Ethan shrugged.