Unknown forces

"This was pretty gross," Ethan muttered.

"Leave the clean up here to Mary and the officers in the area. They should be able to pull it off," Hannah said and then teleported Ethan to Phoenix.

Ethan glanced around at the police officers who had valiantly stood their ground against the onslaught of wargs. He could see the exhaustion etched on their faces, and he knew that this was not their typical line of duty. The officers, armed with their standard-issue firearms, were doing their best to fend off the vicious creatures.

Though the police officers lacked the supernatural abilities and training that Ethan possessed, they fought with a determination born out of their duty to protect and serve. Their shots rang out, their aim true as they aimed for the wargs' vital spots. Some managed to find success, while others faced the daunting challenge of reloading their weapons as the relentless beasts closed in.