You never fail

As he flew towards the heart of the looming battle, Ethan understood the weight of his actions. The fate of his friends and the countless lives hanging in the balance depended on his ability to distract and engage the enemy. The burden was heavy, but he had trained relentlessly for this moment, honing his skills and pushing his limits to prepare for the inevitable clash.

As Ethan crossed the area, he saw a lone warrior facing a giant army of giant humanoids with scales. It was Dante. He seemed to be doing well for himself considering that the enemies truly were a cut above the other types of monsters they faced until now.

Dante, with his back against the wall, faced the onslaught of the demi tyrants with unyielding determination. The claws of the monstrous beings lashed out toward him, aiming to tear him apart. At the same time, their mana cannons unleashed scorching beams of destructive energy in an attempt to keep him alive.