Final Battle (16)

Wand of the Stars

Intelligence: +400 

Resistance: +200 

Effect: Astral Shift - The user can channel the wand's power to project their consciousness into the astral realm, allowing them to swiftly traverse the battlefield and gain a strategic vantage point. While in this state, the mage becomes intangible and immune to physical harm, granting them temporary invulnerability.

Cloak of Arcane Shielding

Intelligence: +300 

Resistance: +600 

Effect: Arcane Barrier - When activated, the cloak envelops the mage in a shimmering barrier of arcane energy. This barrier absorbs incoming magical attacks, significantly reducing their impact and providing enhanced magical defense. The cloak enhances the user's ability to withstand and counteract hostile spells, granting them increased resilience in magical combat.

Boots of Elemental Swiftness

Intelligence: +300 

Resistance: +300