Final Battle (18)

What struck them most was the sheer diversity of the beings that populated these realms. They witnessed humans, mythical creatures, and even beings from realms beyond their wildest imagination. It was a mosaic of lives intertwining, each with their own struggles and triumphs, representing the vastness and complexity of existence.

"What a great way to dampen the mood," Ethan said. "I thought that these would be the images of things that are happening right now, but I guess that they are your memories only. Show yourself."

"I already am here,"

As the mysterious voice echoed through the air, the members of the group turned their heads in confusion, their eyes searching for the source. Yet, despite their efforts, they found no visible presence, no figure or entity to attribute the voice to. It was as if the words themselves had materialized out of thin air, dancing upon the wind and resonating within their very souls.