Otho's Encounter with Werlock

Otho listened with his heart, rather than his head, feeling the promptings of the gods.  The others may not understand him fully, but Werlock had.  Werlock had seemed to believe him completely.  It was the reason why Otho felt so hurt when he disappeared.  

Otho felt the pull and walked further into the crowd.  He thought he saw someone who looked like Werlock, but it wasn't him.  Werlock didn't have a beard, unlike most wizards.  

The man felt the pull take him outside of the city gates, and he followed it.  'Just like I thought.'   He then began to walk to the left, just like the prompting said to.  The people nearer to the road were all about trying to sell him their wares, but he politely turned them down.  (Though he did throw two children a couple of copper coins at a nudge from the gods)  He walked around the corner of the city wall, and that's where he found Werlock, sitting on a rock and talking to a group of people.