The Emotions of the Wizardesses

Lyzara frowned as Isadora told her to 'shut up and leave me alone'.  

"But come on, Izzy!"  Her nickname made the other woman turn slightly, but not enough to see her face.  Lyzara pulled the puppy dog eyes and gave a big, sad, frown.  Isadora just pushed her away and rolled back over in her bed.  "You can't stay here all day!"  

"Yes I can."  Came the muffled reply.  

"Come on!  Please?!"  

"LEAVE ME ALONE!"  Isadora's shout turned her around, and her face was furious at the other woman.  Lyzara was shocked, and backed away, but quickly grabbed her friend in a hug.  Isadora had obviously been crying, and her eyes were red, puffy, and she hardly looked like herself.
