The Might of the Prime Minister

Power and majesty is what filled the throne room more than the people and guards inside of it. The high ceiling and the enormous throne at the end that stood on a dias, was enough. The room was filled with trepidation, however, and the feelings of the court were of nervousness. Soldiers immediately flanked those coming inside, and Gerald knew that this was not tradition. They were led through the crowd of people, guided towards the dais and the woman who sat on the throne. She was eating a salad with a forlorn look on her face, and the Prime Minister (Lotus) stood just to the side and whispered in the Queen's ear as they approached. 

"Who are you?" The queen responded as they approached. 

"Gerald son of Gor." He responded, not bowing his head as the others did. "King of Portal, and your mother's old friend."