The Great Plan of Insanity

*Several Hours Earlier*

Gerald stood next to the smithy and watched Lime and Isadora work as the hours turned into the morning, Hermina long since bidding them farewell as the day grew closer. Gerald, for the most part, slipped into the waking sleep of his people to relax himself. They melted the fake metal coins down while the skeletons kept the forge at the proper temperature. The leadlike metal that was inside of the coins melted at a higher temperature than actual gold, but it melted all the same. 

"We're breaking so many laws right now…" Isadora muttered, her gloved hands pouring the metal into the bullion mold for scraping and separating. 

"When the laws are made to lie and cheat, I don't see much point in having them or obeying them." Gerald responded honestly. "But then again, I'm still facing a bunch of different problems right now. The devaluing of currency is just the tip of the iceberg for me."