Admission of Guilt

When Lyzara awoke, it was an incredibly pleasant feeling that she had around her.  She was warm, comfortable, and surrounded by soft blankets and pillows.  She didn't like being surrounded by darkness, however. Keeping her eyes shut did almost as much good as opening them.  She reached up and found that there was a heavy lid overshadowing her.  There were two small holes at her feet, presumably for air, but even those were covered slightly and they didn't place any light into the small space she found herself in.  She pushed on the lid and found that it gave way quite easily on hinges at her right.  She sat up, wincing at the daylight from the window that stood directly in front of her. 

"She's awake!"  A call came and soon two blurs were hurriedly coming over to her. 

"Lyzara… Lyzara… are you alright?" 
