The Night of the Everseekers: The Coronation Part 3

Gerald raced from the town hall, ignoring the calls for clarification and just racing down the hill, where one could already see that there was a problem by the southern gate. 

Mostly that the area around it was already in flames. He was already breathing hard by the time that he was at the bottom of the hill, happy that he had been able to walk more the past month, and he now hurried towards the skeletal commander on the wall, who was commanding the bony undead with precision and clicking away in their own language. Gerald smiled at it, as it meant that there was some protection already in place. He scrambled up the slippery stairs, almost falling once, and stood next to the commander and looked out at the attackers. His heart almost faltered seeing at least twenty Everseekers at the front, all pointing their staffs at the wall and chanting. What looked to be a sea of torches, seemed to greet him as well. Gerald sensed out.