The Coven's Meeting, and The Talk

"We can't wait much longer.  Those bastards will be back, deal or no deal." 

"I know my lady.  But we cannot rush this.  You know it as well as I do."

"If we got enough of us-"

"We'd still have to wait for the correct moon." 

"I don't like waiting either, sisters, but this was a necessary wait to preserve the Necromancers." 


"Besides, now he will owe us." 

"He already does because of the battles." 

"But we do not have a place in his bed yet." 

"He is married and others are the choice of the first queen under Necromancer customs.  That much is known and we couldn't change their minds even if we tried.." 

"But the queen is young, naïve, and easily persuaded by magic." 

"Maybe and maybe not.  Who knows what the Necromancer has been teaching her during this past week." 

"Probably just perversions-" 

"Speculation means nothing.  Only through action can we learn truths."