Leaving, Returning, and Harsh Lessons

As Gerald walked towards the center of the town square with Lydia, he had just finished saying goodbye to his brides and was off with the woman who had begun this insane past few months again. Especially for Hermina, it was an insanely hard time for her. She finally had the man that she had dreamed of and hoped and wished for so long… and he was off again and out of her grasp. It wasn't a question of her not understanding the problem or the quest given (Through her by Dreiss) but rather just a simple longing. Rebecca had requested the final day to be by her husband's side, herself just a new bride of the man, and she had spent it simply snuggling the man and father of the baby growing inside of her as he worked on the paperwork needed for his kingship. Hermina had acquiesced, despite her longing for her new husband, knowing the power dynamic of the two. She did still get him for the night, however…