The Talk of Rebellion

Gerald sat at the bar and drank his ale with a grimace. (It was obvious they had given him the cheap stuff) The captain of the guard, who's men had surrounded him outside of the town, was pulling on a large brown beer at his side and pulled away with a happy sigh. "Now then… What proof do I have that you're this… King of the Necromancers that the rumors are talking about?"

Gerald shrugged. "I could raise the dead for you, but something tells me you're men would probably try to kill me if I did anything of the kind." He motioned with his head to the bar where a man was 'hidden' with a short knife at the ready in case he tried anything. "No… you'll have to take me at my word unless you want to see some magic, but something tells me that everybody in this town is more… nervous when it comes to magic."