Marching and Hidden Knowledge...

To say that Gerald was excited as the night blossomed the following evening was a bit of an overstatement. He was terrified and nervous. But he marched at the head of the undead army as the sun finished setting and the skeletons and zombies followed in his wake, row by row as directed. Arianna was towards the back, directing the latecomers and ensuring that order was maintained. Gerald communicated with the Vampires and sent them ahead to guide him along the fastest routes towards the closest town and city. It was a city named Wiza, after an old prophet of Tressed. 'That name will have to go.' He thought with a grin. 'Maybe keep on the same vein however with the prophets… maybe 'Gorsham'…' 

It wasn't more than an hour that he first saw the lights in the distance of the walled city. Its stone walls were incomplete, but a palisade kept the exposed portions away from the potential undead.