Negotiations Part 5: Supremacy

The movement of the troops he felt, but they were not responding to his calls. Gerald cursed at that, and rode forward with a new determination. Arianna had cut off the line of communication between him and the skeletal commanders that she had risen and she was now directing them forward and across the field towards the right flank of the enemy. There was one group, however, that she did not control, and they flew with and above her army. 

"My Lord, what is going on?" Count Frist asked as he felt Gerald's call, through his thoughts. 

"That's what I want to know." Gerald thought in reply, riding the poor horse closer and closer to the horde. "I was hoping that Arianna was telling you." 

"Isn't it supposed to be a surprise attack?" The Vampire responded. "Something about catching them with their trousers down-"

"NO!" Gerald responded. "Get a hold of the skeletal commanders and say that I order them to stop." 

"That's.. that's a conflicting order-"