Chapter 10: The T

'I have drained my social battery today.' Narumi muttered to herself. The party was filled with different people, top investors in her company and also other influential people, but she was tired of talking to them all.

"Congratulations Narumi. Your hard work has brought your company to this level." Someone said from behind her. It took Narumi a moment to recognize the voice as that of Mr Yamada, one of her most respected investors, and her father's old friend.

"Thank you, sir." She said. "It's also because of investment and support you have given to my company."

"Don't mention it, Narumi," he said with a smile. "Your father was a dear friend of mine, and I don't mind supporting his hardworking daughter. There's someone who wants to speak with you."

Mr Yamada beckoned for his son to come and stand beside him. He wanted him to patch things up with Narumi so that they could be close again.

"Hello Narumi, it has been a while since we saw each other," Akatsuki said. He was taller than her by at least four centimeters, his hair was neatly gelled back into a small ponytail. The young man had a fair completion and brown eyes as well. Unfortunately for him, Narumi wasn't happy to see him at all.

"Yes, it has." Her face did not portray this thought in the slightest.

Akatsuki smiled. "Congratulations on being the first female billionaire."

"Thank you." Narumi replied, trying to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.

They were childhood friends before, but they drifted apart after Akatsuki made a mean comment when she was supposed to become the CEO of the company.

"I'm really sorry Narumi. I was immature. That's why I said all those things, but I'm glad that my words didn't discourage you because the way you run your company is so inspiring!"

Narumi didn't reply for a moment, but Akatsuki saw it as an opportunity to continue speaking.

"You have become the ice queen CEO and made your father's company become so great. I always believed that a woman couldn't run a business. That's why I said that you won't succeed as CEO, but I was so wrong." He said.

"That's good." Narumi eventually replied to him. Her voice lacked any emotion because the only thing that was on her mind was how to escape from this conversation, but Akatsuki would never let that happen.

"I hope you can give me the chance to take you out sometime." He continued. "For dinner, lunch, breakfast, or just a cup of coffee."

Narumi had a huge smirk on her face because she finally understood his intentions.

"Fake compliments just to win me over. This is a well thought out father and son plan." She said, laughing humourlessly.

"That's not true-"

"Of course it is. Your father sent you to reconcile with me so that you can try to make me fall in love in love with you.",

Akatsuki was shocked. How in the world did she figure it out?

"How could you know that?" He asked, feigning ignorance.

"I know that because snakes like you are always scheming to get closer to their prey, but I deal with people like you every day." Narumi said.

"You are calling me a snake?"

"Yes." Narumi replied. Her eyes gleamed maliciously. "I'm not denying it."

"Narumi you have insulted my son a lot." Mr Yamada intervened.

She looked at the old man and sighed. "And I will do it again. I respect you, sir, only because you are my father's friend. You have also invested in my company, but do not take me for a fool. Please enjoy the party."

After saying this, Narumi turned around and walked away. She stopped at the spot to calm down.

"Are you alright ma'am?" Daiki asked when he saw the look on her face.

"I'm not a fan of social events, so my battery is kinda low." She explained.

Daiki nodded. "A drink can help you feel better."

"No, thank you. I don't like alcoholic drinks." She said.

"Akiko kept regular drinks aside for you ma'am." Daiki explained.

"Oh, I didn't know." She murmured.

"Server, please the fruit punch for Miss Narumi." Daiki ordered.

The server nodded and went over to get the drink. Daiki handed it Narumi with a smile on his face. "Here you go ma'am."

"Thank you Daiki." Narumi grabbed the drink from his hands before looking at him again. "Listen, you are my personal assistant. Your works end at the office and maybe in my study room. Don't try to look out for me by catching me when I'm about to fall or trying to cheer me with food when I'm upset or tired."

"Oh, okay then." Daiki said awkwardly.

"Thanks." Narumi muttered. She finished her drink and joined the crowd once again while Daiki didn't move at all. Her words hurt him.

'She is not wrong, though. Why do I keep trying to help her? Is it because I like her?' Daiki's heart started beating faster and faster. It was unusual for him to feel such a way towards anyone, but Narumi seemed to be special.

'Crap, I don't like her, do I?' He thought. 'How can I like my boss?"

"Daiki." someone said. He looked up to see Haruki standing behind him.

"Hey Haruki." Daiki greeted.

"Are you alright? You seemed really lost in thought just now," Haruki asked him.

"Yeah. It was nothing. Just got overwhelmed and lost myself in thought." He shrugged.

Haruki nodded. "Come on, it's almost time."

"Time for what?" Daiki inquired.

"For the launch of the new perfume. Miss Narumi is waiting for us." He answered with a grin.

"I completely forgot about it." Daiki muttered under his breath.

The two men made their way to the center of the room, where they were going to meet Narumi.

"Finally, you guys have arrived." She said sarcastically. "Get me a microphone"

Haruki gave it to her and Narumi placed it next to her lips.

"Hi everyone. Thank you all for attending and celebrating my success with me. Now it's time for the special surprise!"

The guests applauded loudly for her. She smiled brightly and then started speaking again. "I would like to present to you Jasmine Spices' newest perfume, which is called Velvet Desert!"

The crowd erupted into applause again while the media cameras began flashing and photographers were taking pictures to use for tomorrow's headlines and ads.

"This perfume...." Narumi paused because all of a sudden everyone's mobile phones started buzzing with notifications from a popular blog. A recent story had just been released.



There were pictures of Narumi in Daiki's arms and eating at a restaurant together. Pictures of Daiki kissing her on the cheek and holding her hand in front of everyone were also posted.

"Miss Narumi, is this true?" A reporter asked. "Please answer yes or no."

Another reporter followed. "Please answer us, ma'am. We are all extremely curious."

"Yes, ma'am, we need answers!"