Chapter 17: Anime and cuddles?

Tempura Kondo is a well-known restaurant in Tokyo; they have gotten Michelin stars for over a decade. Akiko booked a reservation for Daiki and Narumi here because she wanted them to have a good time. 

"I'm sorry that this is so unexpected." Narumi said. "My mom wanted us to go out and have lunch together."

"Oh, but she didn't say anything when she left." Daiki muttered. 

"She forgot about it, but she told Akiko." Narumi sighed and rubbed her temples. She looked tired. 

"Are you alright?" Daiki asked. 

"Just migraine." Narumi answered. 

A waiter came over to the table with two menus and a small bottle of water. 

"Please go through the menu and make your selections." He said it kindly.

Narumi and Daiki went straight to the drinks list. They were having wine and some fancy-looking white chocolate dessert. The main course options were salmon, steak, fish fillets, or chicken. Daiki made a choice for seafood, while Narumi chose meat. When the waiter left to get their orders, Narumi spoke up again. "About the trip to Paris that we won yesterday..."

"Yes," Daiki replied. 

"I have decided that my mom and sister will accompany us. The trip won't be couple stuff but a family vacation; that way we don't have to feel uncomfortable. She explained.

"If that's what you have decided, then it's alright." Daiki shrugged.

Their meals arrived, and they started eating in silence. Narumi was the first one to speak again. "You are a good tennis player. Did your dad teach you?"

Daiki felt slightly taken aback by the sudden question. He hated questions about that horrible man who calls himself his father. 

"My dad didn't teach me. I'm the one who taught myself."

"Really?" Narumi tilted her head curiously at him.

He nodded. "My dad didn't teach me anything, but I'm sure your dad was the one who taught you."

"Yes he did."  Narumi agreed. "You don't like talking about your family. The same reaction you gave yesterday when we spoke about your mother is similar to when I asked about your father."

"Why do you care so much about this?" Daiki said, annoyed. He wasn't used to people asking him that sort of personal question. It just irritated him.

Narumi paused, unsure how to respond. She has never seen this side of Daiki before; he was always bubbly and cheerful, not like today. 

'There's a big childhood trauma that he must've endured,' she thought. 'That he hides behind this cheery personality, but why do I have an interest in it. Our marriage is a contract one; we are not friends.'

She shook off these thoughts and spoke up. "Sorry, I shouldn't ask such personal questions."

"No, it's fine." Daiki mumbled. "It's... complicated.''

"Complicated?" Narumi said as if she couldn't understand what he meant by that.

"You should stop asking. Let's eat instead of talking." Daiki said, trying to change the subject.

Narumi took the cue, focusing on her plate instead of continuing the conversation. She finished her food shortly after that, and then they paid for their meal and headed back home.

The drive back home seemed so long because of the silence between them; Daiki couldn't help but curse himself for being harsh with Narumi. It's not her fault, so why should he be mad at her?

"Mrs Narumi I'm sorry for my behavior. Whenever someone asks about my childhood, dad or mom, I can't really bring myself to answer their questions." Daiki apologized. He wasn't looking at her directly because he was facing the window. 

"It's alright."  Narumi said. "I'm not supposed to ask questions about your personal life; we are not friends, just two people bound by a contract."

"That's true."  Daiki hummed. "Not everyone had a beautiful childhood or parents who loved and cherished them." 

Narumi kept quiet again and didn't say anything all through the ride home. When they arrived, Yuki greeted them with a really tight hug.

"Where did you guys go?" she asked. 

"Mom, you are back." Narumi smiled before hugging her back. 

"Yes, I am back, so stop acting as if I have been traveling for a long time." Her mom said it jokingly. "And where did you go, darling?"

"We went to have lunch outside, like you wanted," Narumi said.

"Lunch? Just like I wanted?" Yuki looked confused. 

"Yes, mom, this was what Akiko told me this morning." Narumi explained. 

"Yes, mom, you told me that before you left." Akiko interrupted; she tried her best to give her mother a signal so that she would just agree with what Narumi said.

'Mom, please don't disagree with what sis says, or else she will find out what I lied about it.' Akiko pleaded. Her mother couldn't hear her, but she could understand what she was saying.

Yuki nodded. "Oh, the lunch! Pardon my weak memory, my child." 

Akiko sighed; she felt relieved and mouthed 'thank you, mom.' 

Yuki smiled and then looked at Narumi and Daiki. "The both of you should go and rest." 

"No problem, mom." Narumi said before heading to her room. Daiki followed suit while her mother and daughter remained downstairs. 

"What were you thinking?" Yuki asked Akiko. "Why would you use my name and make up an excuse?" 

"Sorry mom. I just wanted to make them spend time with each other." Akiko 


Yuki sighed. "What did you do?"

Akiko told her mother about how she came up with the idea of a tennis match so that Narumi and Daiki could compete against each other. 

"The loser is supposed to do whatever the winner says for the whole day, but Daiki couldn't think of anything, so I had to do something." Akiko explained sheepishly. 

Yuki just laughed. "Well, you certainly do come up with a lot of brilliant ideas."

She ruffled her hair fondly.

"Let's go to my room." Yuki said.

"Alright mom."

Time went by quickly; dinner was ready.

Soon everyone was seated except for Narumi.

"I'm worried." Yuki admitted. "Twenty minutes have gone by, but she still hasn't come down."

"Maybe she is busy." Akiko said but she also felt a little worried herself; her sister has never been late for dinner, and even if she is busy, she would have informed a maid to pass the news to us.

"Daiki, please go and check on my daughter. I'm really worried." Yuki requested.

"Alright ma'am."

"Thank you." Yuki added.

Daiki got out of his seat and walked upstairs. When he arrived, he knocked twice on Narumi's study room door, but there was no answer. He knocked a third time. Still nothing. He opened the door slowly and peered inside. 

"Mrs Narumi...." Daiki mumbled. There she was with headphones on and watching an anime, Demon Slayer."

Narumi jumped and turned to see who had entered. Her eyes widened when she saw it was only Daiki, and she quickly closed the laptop.

"What are you doing here?" Narumi asked.

"It's time for dinner, and everyone was worried because you weren't downstairs." Daiki replied. "Demon Slayer, I love that anime. Tanjiro is my favorite character." 

Narumi smiled at that. "Tanjiro is also my favorite character; he's so kind and pure hearted." 

"Who's your favorite hashira?" Daiki asked.

"Mitsuri," Narumi replied. "What about yours?" 

"Muichiro," Daiki replied. "He's amazing and powerful at such a young age. Were you rewatching it?"

"Yes, season three is going to be released soon." She replied. 

"April?" Daiki asked.


Daiki smiled. "That's good, but let's go down for dinner." 

They headed back downstairs, and Yuki breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Narumi.

"My child, were you busy with work because I got really worried?" Yuki said, placing her hand over her chest.

"I apologize, mom." Narumi said. "I was caught up in an anime episode."

"Is that so?" Yuki asked.

"Yeah." Narumi nodded. 

"Sis still likes anime, and I don't like it." Akiko  complained.

"Shut up." Narumi and Yuki both said it at the same time. 

Akiko huffed and faced her food; she wasn't an anime fan, but her mother and sister loved it. 

"Daiki, do you watch anime?" Yuki asked.

"Yes ma'am." He answered.

"That's great." Yuki chuckled. 

"If you want, the three of us could watch anime together after dinner." Daiki  suggested. 

"That's a great idea." Yuki said. "But I'm quite sleepy, so you and Narumi should watch it together." 

"Huh?" Daiki looked shocked. 

"I don't mind watching with someone." Narumi said nonchalantly. "We could watch the eminence in shadow. Have you seen it before?" 

"No." Daiki shook his head. 

"Then we shall watch it together." Narumi said. 

"Alright." Daiki agreed with her without any hesitation.

Yuki and Akiko exchanged glances; they could only hope that everything they were doing would help bring them closer so that they could become an actual couple.