Chapter 24: Going to Nagoya

~This chapter contains a little sexual scene if uncomfortable then skip.

"You didn't tell me where we are going to?" Daiki asked. 

"We have a meeting in Nagoya." Narumi replied to his question. Unlike usual, she didn't ask any driver to drive the car because she was the one who was going to drive.

"Oh, is it a business meeting?" Daiki asked. 

"No, it's not. We are going to be having a meeting with the chief editor of Apex Review. Narumi said calmly, and her eyes were glued on the road in front of her.

"Apex Review? I love that magazine." Daiko said enthusiastically.

"It's a famous magazine," Narumi replied as if reading from a book. "The chief editor, Akashi Seijuurou, is a good friend of mine, but he didn't tell me what today's meeting will be all about."

"Oh, that means we will just have to wait until we get there, but are you comfortable driving for about four hours?" Daiki asked.

"Do you underestimate me?" Narumi said with a little laugh. 

"To be honest, maybe a little, although I'm also worried about your safety." Daiki said, but Narumi just rolled her eyes.

"I can drive for four hours because it's not the first time. She said it with confidence.

"If you say so, ma'am." Daiki smiled.  He wasn't really underestimating her; all he wanted to do was challenge her and see her reaction. 

Four hours went by, and eventually they arrived at the head office of Apex Reviews. 

"Let's go," Narumi said, opening the door for him to get out because of his injured hand. 

"Thank you."  Daiki grinned as he got off the car. He examined their surroundings, and then he looked up at the building that stood proudly.

"Akashi will be waiting for us." Narumi said as they entered the lobby. The receptionist recognized them immediately.

"Welcome, Mrs. Tsukumo!" she exclaimed excitedly. "How are you doing?"

"Fine, thank you. Akashi is on seat right?"      Narumi asked.

"Yes ma'am.  He's expecting you!" She nodded and pointed towards the stairs. 

"Thank you."  Narumi smiled at the woman before she and Daiki started ascending the stairs.

They passed several floors, after which they reached the last floor, which took a couple minutes to reach. When they did, they found Akashi waiting for them in his office with his arms crossed. He wasn't sitting down at all.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tsukumo." Akashi said with a huge grin. "The Ice Cold CEO and her husband." 

"Hello Akashi."  Narumi  greeted.  "Why did you ask to see us?" 

"Relax first and take a seat." Akashi said, gesturing to the two chairs in front of his desk. Both Daiki and Narumi obeyed him without protest.

Akashi continued.  "What would you like to have? I know Narumi will have an ice tea, but I don't know what Daiki would want to have."

"Oh, I don't mind having an ice tea as well." Daiki said.

"Wow! Such a cute couple, you guys are having the same coffee." Akashi chuckled as he looked at them fondly. "I'll place a call and have our drinks sent up immediately."

"Thanks."  Narumi said.  She knew Akashi was fond of serving coffee to the people he calls for meetings, so she didn't get offended with how much time he was taking.

'I wonder what he wants to talk about?' She thought. 

A lady brought the coffee and left immediately. Akashi requested a black coffee for himself, while Narumi and Daiki had vanilla iced tea. 

"Now that we have our drinks, let's talk." Akashi said as he sipped slowly on his coffee. His voice sounded relaxed and friendly, yet firm and authoritative too. 

"We held a poll on Instagram, and our followers had to pick who they wanted as their favorite couple for the Valentine's edition of our magazine.  A lot of votes came in, but the highest one was yours." 

"Us?"   Narumi blinked.  She was taken aback that people actually voted for them.

"They all love your relationship and see it as a unique thing. Narumi you of all people should know that I always give my readers what they want, which means The Tsukumo Couple will be featured in our magazine for this year's Valentine edition." Akashi answered.

He put his cup back down on the table and leaned forward on the edge of the desk. 

"Oh wow."  Narumi smiled as she tried her best not to sound sarcastic. 

"Akashi, is this a must?" Daiki asked.  He didn't want anything that could make Narumi feel uncomfortable. 

"Yes, it is a must because the public chose you as the most perfect couple, and you deserve all the attention, publicity, and adoration the world can offer."

Narumi could feel heat rising in her cheeks, and her eyes widened a bit.

'What kind of thing is this? One on hand, I don't want to be featured in a magazine, but on the other hand, I want to be featured with Daiki as a couple,'  she thought.

Daiki, on the other hand, had no idea what was happening. He also felt conflicted because he was sure that Narumi wouldn't be comfortable with this, but he also wanted it.

"Akashi, can you give us five minutes to talk to ourselves?" Daiki asked with a smile.

"Okay," Akashi replied before leaving the office. Immediately after he was out of the office, Narumi sighed deeply.

"Are you alright?" Daiki asked as he placed a gentle hand on Narumi's shoulder.

"Yeah..." Narumi replied. "I just... this feels weird. Why is everyone voting for us?" 

"They see us as a couple because nobody knows it's a contract marriage." Daiki said. "We could just turn it down." 

"We can't do that or else people will suspect us." Narumi  insisted.  "Besides, if someone finds out about our secret, then it could cause another scandal."

"So we are going to agree?" Daiki asked.

"Yes."   Narumi  nodded.  "You can tell Akashi to come back in." 

"Alright," Daiki nodded. He went outside to call Akashi, who was standing outside the door. "We're done talking."

"Good."   Akashi nodded as he stepped into his office. "So what's your decision?" 

"We agree," Narumi said immediately.

"Great!"  Akashi said it happily. "The theme is cosplay, so the couples you will dress up as will be Loid and Yor, Naruto and Hinata, Obanai and Mitsuri, plus Ichigo and Orihime."

"Is that all?" Narumi asked. 

"Yup, that's all. Akashi confirmed, "Photoshot, couple interview, and a short kiss picture."

"Kiss?!"   Narumi gasped slightly but quickly covered her mouth.

"Yup, you guys are a couple, so it should be a normal thing." 

"Yes."  They muttered in unison. Narumi and Daiki exchanged glances at each other for a while.

"That's great. Tomorrow we will take your measurements so that the outfits will be ready by the 19th, the photoshoot and interview will be held here on the 22nd, and the magazine will be published on the 28th." Akashi said. 

"Alright."  Narumi smiled.  

"A room has been prepared for you at our VIP guest house, so go and rest there." Akashi smiled and waved goodbye to them.

"Thank you again, Akashi." Narumi said it sincerely.

After saying goodbye to Akashi, Narumi and Daiki went to the VIP guest house. It was close to the company, so they didn't have to drive all the way there. 

"Here is your room key, Mr. and Mrs. Tsukumo." A female staff member handed over their room keys and told them to call up room service if they needed anything. After thanking the maid, they went to their room with their little suitcase. 

"What a mess." Narumi muttered.  She was so frustrated about the whole photoshoot stuff, and as if that wasn't enough, there will be a kiss picture. 

"Relax Narumi.   We could talk to Akashi about it and convince him to change it to." Daiki suggested calmly.

"Akashi is not going to agree, and it will seem weird if we refuse to do it." Narumi sighed."

"I'm sure we will think of something though." Daiki reassured her. "Don't worry." 

Narumi smiled a little bit at him.

"I'm going to call room service to send an alcoholic drink for me. If you want a drink, I could tell them to send it as well." Daiki said.

"I want to join you." Narumi said, and Daiki chuckled. 

"You don't drink alcohol, ma'am." He grinned.

"I want to try it," Narumi insisted.

"You won't be able to do it." Daiki laughed. "You won't be able to have two shots of vodka."

"Just try me." Narumi raised her eyebrows, challenging him. "It won't hurt, right?"

Daiki shook his head, laughing quietly.

"Sure, whatever you say, ma'am." He placed a call downstairs. "Hey room service, bring a bottle of vodka."

Narumi stared at Daiki's smug grin when he hung up.

"Stop underestimating me." She pouted.

A minute later, the room service guy arrived and took the bottles to their room. Once he disappeared, Daiki opened the bottle of vodka and poured one glass for himself, then for Narumi. 

"Here you go." Daiki offered the glass to Narumi. "Akiko told me that you hate the smell of alcohol, so I wonder how you will drink it."

Narumi took the glass from his hands. She sniffed it lightly and smelled the alcohol. When she finished drinking the first sip, she coughed loudly.

Daiki smirked and watched her reaction. Once she stopped coughing, Daiki grabbed the empty glass from her hand and filled it with more vodka.

"Accept your defeat." He teased, and Narumi huffed a breath.

She glared at Daiki as she collected the glass; there was no way she could accept defeat.

'I can't accept defeat.' She muttered to herself before drinking it; her eyes closed instantly as it burned her throat and throat muscles.

She drank it all and sighed. She could feel the warmth spread through her body, and she felt the burn go away as if it were medicine. 

"You won," Daiki said. "I'm impressed, but you can stop now." 

"No, I want more." Narumi declared with a smile playing around her lips. She took another glass and drank it.

"You could get drunk and have a hangover." Daiki sighed.

"I want to experience that feeling." Narumi shrugged her shoulders as her cheeks started turning red. She drank ten glasses of vodka, and after taking a deep breath, she started giggling.

"What's so funny?" Daiki chuckled at her.

"Your face." Narumi giggled. 

"What's wrong with it?" He asked.

"You look so handsome." She giggled; the vodka was starting to work its magic.

"Oh really?"   Daiki smirked.

"Of course."  Narumi nodded.  "You always look good. There is nothing better than seeing your handsome face smiling like that. Sometimes I think of kissing you." 

"Kissing me."   Daiki repeated.  Narumi came closer to him and caressed his face. 

"Yes, just like this." She whispered, and she pressed her soft lips against his.

He froze for a second before wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. They kissed for a few seconds until she broke apart, gasping for air.

"Like that?" Daiki asked. 

"Yes, but I want more." She said before pushing him onto the bed. She straddled his waist before lowering herself onto his mouth. Her hands roamed around Daiki's neck and shirt.

The kiss was slow and sensual yet passionate. Their tongues danced together, creating a sweet and smooth dance that only they knew what they were doing.

Daiki was enjoying himself, but suddenly he remembered that she was intoxicated. If they did anything at all tonight, Narumi will regret it in the morning.

"Wait-"  He tried to stop her, but his words came out muffled from their mouths, which were still connected.

"Huh?"  Narumi muttered.  She was starting to feel really sleepy.

"You should sleep. You'll regret it tomorrow."

"Nuh uh."  Narumi mumbled, shaking her head, as she pulled him into a long hug.

"Please, sleep," Daiki asked.

"Hmm fine."  Narumi sighed, letting go of him. She crawled off his lap before getting under the covers.

Daiki looked at her as she slept like a baby.

"I thought it would be easy to keep my feelings for you in check, but it gets harder everyday.  I guess I shouldn't let myself get too comfortable with you because this relationship will end after a year and two months." Daiki said before turning off the light and crawling into the bed and joining Narumi under the blankets. "Good night."