Chapter 30: New Discovery

"So tell me, Mr. Hamasaki, what could you discover after your investigation? A week has gone by, and you said that I will get answers after a week," Narumi said it with folded hands. She was dressed in a red suit, which perfectly matched her hair. The woman looked like she just stepped out of an art gallery, and the man looked at her as if she would bite his head off at any moment. It was probably the case. She did look very much like a predator ready to pounce, and the way she stared down at the man made him feel like prey. 

"Relax Narumi."  Takeshi chuckled.   "I have my information ready for you." 

"That's good, and also please call me by my surname and not my first name. I'm a married woman." she said, looking back at him with a cold gaze. 

"Alright, Mrs. Tsukumo." Takeshi sighed. "After doing my investigation, I finally got answers. Do you remember that I gave you three possibilities the day we met?" 

"Yes, I do." She nodded slowly before frowning. "Is this the second one or the third one?"

Takeshi laughed at her and shook his head. "I do that so my clients won't be taken by surprise by the results of the investigation." 

"Mr. Hamasaki, less explanation, more talking about the case I gave you." 

"Ah... Alright then." He sat up straighter, cleared his throat, and leaned forward slightly. "I found out that Mr. Tsukumo Daisuke lied; the result of this case is the third possibility I gave you."

"He's lying and has ulterior motives." She said while leaning back in her seat with folded arms.

"Exactly.  I went to Okinawa to start my investigation, disguising myself as an old friend of Daiki's mother, who just came back from Italy after several years. Everyone I asked told me that she and her three daughters have passed away, while her son lives in Tokyo and is married to a rich woman." 

Narumi tilted her head as she listened to Takeshi. "What's next?" 

"I asked about his second wife and her son. According to the people I meet, Daisuke took his wife and son away from the village a few weeks ago, and nobody knew where they were."

"But he said his second wife died two years ago." She was looking at him with narrowed eyes. 

"That's a lie. I wanted to confirm this for myself, so I managed to get the records of everyone who lived in Okinawa and the list of those who left and where they moved to. He moved his family to Kanazawa." Takeshi explained while scratching his chin. 

"So he lied about everything." She said this while nodding to herself. "Why?"

"I have no idea, but I suspect that he wants to get money from his son or is working for one of your enemies." Takeshi replied by shaking his head. He leaned back on his chair while folding his hands together again.

"Enemies? I have a lot," she said, shrugging her shoulders with a smirk on her face. "I can't count." 

"I know." Takeshi laughed.  "Mrs. Tsukumo, I think you should call your husband here." 

"Why would I call Daiki to come here?" Narumi asked. 

"It's better that he knows the truth on time so he doesn't get caught unaware."

She raised an eyebrow at what he said, but deep down, she knew it was a good idea.

'I wonder how he will react when he finds out that I sent a detective to get information on his father.' Narumi thought to herself before taking out her phone and dialed his number. A few seconds later, the ringing stopped, and the other line picked up after a short pause. "Hello Daiki?"

"You called? Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm alright, but could you come over? Just leave the office and come to me." She asked.

"Oh, no problem, but where are you?" Daiki asked.

"I'm in Mr. Hamasaki Takeshi's office; should I send you the address through a text message?" She asked, but there was no response from Daiki for a couple of minutes. "Daiki?"

"Yes, you should do that so I will get there soon." He replied before hanging up abruptly. Narumi frowned before sending the text message then she put her phone back on the table. She was feeling anxious slowly.

"Is he coming?"  Takeshi questioned. Narumi nodded and put her hands on the table. 

"You seem quite anxious." Takeshi commented.

Narumi let out a breathless chuckle as she shook her head lightly before leaning back in her chair. 

"I told someone to spy on his dad without asking for permission. I know that he hates his dad, but I don't want him to misunderstand my intentions." Narumi whispered while playing with her fingers. 

"He won't, and to be honest, your relationship is really cute. The ice-cold CEO, a woman who is feared in the business world, and a bubbly guy with emotional trauma.  What an adorable pair." Takeshi smiled at her. 

Narumi didn't say anything to him; she just continued to fiddle with her fingers. Eventually Takeshi's telephone rang; it was a call from his secretary. 

"Excuse me, Mr. Hamasaki; a man is here; his name is Tsukumo Daiki. He doesn't have an appointment, but is there a chance that he is here for Mrs. Tsukumo?" The lady asked politely.

"Yes, he is. Please send him to my office immediately." Takeshi answered. 

"Of course, sir," the woman said before hanging up.

A minute later, Daiki entered Takeshi's office, looking very confused while holding something in his hand. His eyes fell upon Narumi, and a small smile appeared on his lips. "Hey there, Naru."

"Hi Daiki."  Narumi said. He sat down next to her and looked at Takeshi.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Tsukumo."  Takeshi greeted him with a warm tone and held out his hand. "I'm Takeshi Hamasaki. I'm pleased to meet you."

Daiki took Takeshi's hand and smiled at him. "I'm Tsukumo Daiki, and please forgive my rudeness for not greeting the owner of the office first." 

"It's alright."   Takeshi laughed lightly. "I'm sure you want to know why your wife called you over." 

"Yes, I'm really worried." Daiki said as he rubbed his neck nervously.

Narumi sat up properly and looked at her husband. "Let me explain. You see, I started getting suspicious about your father, and Akiko was the one who helped me see things from a different perspective." 

"So you told Mr. Hamasaki to spy on him in order to get information? He's a detective, so that's why you are here." Daiki muttered.

"Yes, and he told me that..." Narumi started, but Takeshi stopped her.

"Let me explain it to him." He said before turning to Daiki and sighed. "Your father lied about everything; his second wife is still alive, and his son didn't run away with his money. He has an ulterior motive, but I'm not sure."

"Daiki, are you alright?" Narumi asked.

"Of course I am. Haven't you heard the saying that a leopard can never change its spots?" He grinned at her. 

"I'm going to get him arrested and deal with him." Narumi muttered under her breath while rolling her eyes. 

"Don't do that; instead, let's play along. He needs my truth to do what he wants to do, so I will give it to him." 

"Huh?"  Narumi blinked and turned her attention back to Daiki. 

"Mr. Tsukumo, we have the same mindset; are you sure I can't fall in love with you?" Takeshi asked with a smirk.

"Are you gay?" Narumi asked.

"Nope I'm as straight as a line."  He replied, smiling like an idiot.

"Then shut up." Narumi glared at him. 

Takeshi chuckled and looked at Daiki. "Your idea is excellent; let's catch him red-handed, but I will continue my investigation." 

"Of course, sir." Daiki said, and a smirk appeared on his lips. "If he wants to play a game, then I'm ready to give him strong competition."